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Oh, the things that I do for 'love', or whatever I was calling it now.

The day had passed as per usual and Yuu was fast asleep in his own bed, protected by the best security system I could find in that short amount of time: Lacus. Yoichi being there was an added bonus. I would've hired Renè as well, but he was still busy assisting Crowley in gathering the rest of the merchandise. That was one project I couldn't quit yet, it was only half way through.

So now, with the knowledge that Yuu was safe, I found myself back at the Hiragi household in the presence of none other than the coffee machine.

"This makes no sense, are you positive you didn't kill her?" I asked.

Kureto sighed, "Yes, Mr. Tepes, for the 100th time, we did not kill her, put a hit on her, convince her to kill herself, or have any other involvement in her death."

"How the hell did someone make it past your security system, all of you, and your men, kill Mahiru, write a note in a way that was nearly impossibly close to her hand writing, and leave without being noticed? Weren't Yuu's parents also here when it happened?" I asked.

"Yes, no one left the room. Mahiru went to bed earlier than usual and we found her about 3 hours later." Kureto retold again, I could tell he was getting tired of having to repeat himself.

"Guren was in the fucking military. You would think his PTSD riddled brain would be able to pick up on something." I was more than frustrated at this point.

"That's extremely disrespectful," he glared at me, "to be fair, we were drinking. It was too bright, we could barely hear." He crossed his arms.

"Unsurprisingly, I know what you mean," I had to think for a moment, "so we know that the culprit is aware of essentially everything including what happened to Yuu, it never came out to the public, which limits it to the family and me, we're the only people that would know about everything. I didn't kill her despite my better judgement and most of the family was together," I didn't like that this wasn't easy, "am I missing anyone?"

"We've had very few past workers that knew what we were doing; however, 9/10 of them aren't... a concern anymore. And there's a very slim chance that they'd have any interaction with Yuuichiro in order to find that out." Kureto elaborated.

"What about interaction with me?" I asked, "I had a little passion project not that long ago that required quite a few people. They may have picked something up during that time."

"I genuinely don't think there's a possibility that one person would've interacted closely enough with both of us to be able to do this." Ah, so he thought it was a two person job.

"I see. So we're looking at 2 possible suspects," I sighed, "that both over complicates things and makes them way easier."

"Mikaela-" Kureto began.

"Don't call me that unless it's serious." I interrupted.

"Fine, Mr. Tepes, unlike you, I am not an insomniac. I'm getting very tired. I think it's time for you to go home." I could tell he was holding back a yawn, I wasn't surprised that he wouldn't yawn around me.

"Alright, call me if the PI finds out anything new, I'm going to go break into your nephew's house." I said cockily as I made my way towards the door.

"The PI might become suspicious of you if you do that." Kureto warned.

"I'm joking you undercooked lamb strip, I'm going to knock on the door until someone lets me in," I smirked, rolling my eyes, "unless it takes more than 10 minutes, in which case I'll call once and only once before picking the lock."

"Whatever," He shrugged, walking to his staircase, "lock the door on your way out."

"Can do!" I smiled, much more pep in my step. I was going to see Yuu, of course I was happy.



"Um, baby, what's wrong?" Yoichi had luckily let me in, saying he hadn't seen Yuu for a few hours since they had a talk. I had a chat with Lacus outside and he assured me that everyone was safe, so I was really at a loss for what I was seeing.

Yuu's door I did actually have to pick the lock on and all I got to see was a surprised, upset looking face stare back at me and a mumbled, 'oh... it's just you.'

I had already locked the door behind me upon Yuu's request and I turned on the lamp to actually be able to see in this dungeon.

"Yoichi's getting married." He mumbled.

"Oh, that's fantastic!" I feigned happiness, at least I thought that was what I was supposed to do, but Yuu looking at me like I had just stabbed him told me that was not the reaction he wanted, "Is that not fantastic?"

"No, no, it is fantastic and I'm very happy for them! It just- I mean- I- fuck. I'm so fucking selfish and I'm honestly terrible for thinking about me when I should be celebrating with my best friend," he laid is forehead on his hand and practically folded into himself, "this just completely uproots my life and I can feel the control I had over the stable aspects of my life slipping through my fingers. And I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it."

"If you're worried about your living situation you can move in with me or I could pay your rent or even half your rent if that would make you feel better." I offered.

Yuu shook his head, "You just don't get it, do you? I was so comfortable with where I was at and ever since I me-," he shot me a nervous glance, "for the past few months, my life has taken a turn for the worse and every ounce of normalcy and routine I had is gone. I took the risk of a new job, new partner, new friend, new mindset, trying to be more vulnerable with people, going outside my comfort zones. But it wasn't worth it."

"I don't think I understand?" I put my hand on his knee to comfort him.

"I was perfectly fine being the quiet, boring friend that is just happy to be there, not ever daring to slip a word of my trauma to anyone ever again, living with my best friend, helping other people who need it. Then I took one chance, ONE, I said 'why not?' ONE time and everything after has been hell and I haven't been this depressed since I was groomed," he tangled his hands into his hair, "I just don't know what the hell im supposed to do now. I'm having anxiety attack after anxiety attack and now this? I can't let go of anything and every time I look in the mirror all I see is a failure because I made one wrong move and suddenly I've Donnie Darkoed the timeline. I lost control and that's on me."

I wrapped my arms gently around him and pulled him into my chest, letting him press his forehead against my chest as he wrapped his arms around my neck, waiting for him to break down at any moment, "You know, angel, that's life. All you can really do is live it."

"I feel like you've said that before." He said.

"Maybe I have, it rings true ether way." I leaned down to kiss the top of his head.

"Mika?" The way his voice sounded was breaking me, he was on the verge of a meltdown.

"Yes, Yuu?" I wrapped my arms tighter around him.

"I don't think I'm ok anymore." And saying it out loud was all that it took for him to fall into hysteria.

"I know," I reassured him, "I know."

This could be a great opportunity to gain full control over him. Asher isn't here to stop me and soon Yoichi will be out of the way too. All I have to do is be patient for a little bit longer, and Yuu will come to me. I just need to be patient, I just need to be patient.

When I thought shit like that, even I didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me.

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