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We were driving back from our lovely trip, Yuu fell asleep around an hour ago. He really trusted me and I relished in that feeling. He was my entire world. Was that ideology healthy? Probably not. But I didn't exactly care. I was happy... at least I think it was me.

The more time I spent with him, the more I felt the old Mikaela slipping through the cracks of my sanity. The more the old Mikaela slipped through, the more impossible it became to get away from Yuu. It was an endless cycle of miserable dependency.

Miserable. A part of me felt very miserable. I knew this was going to end badly, it wasn't even a risk worth taking. But I just cared less and less as time went on. I fully understood why I had been so obsessed with him. The feeling in my chest was gone when I was around him. I didn't feel anything except euphoria when he looked at me.

I kept having thoughts of making it so those eyes only look at me. No one else needed to be around him and I wanted to he all he needed. But a few months before my bitter end, Yuu became unusually open. I knew most of how he felt on that matter.

If he ever remembers, I might just need to pretend like I don't. That might make him trust me more.

The Mikaela of the past and the Yuichiro of the present are not meant to be.

Even the Yuichiro of the past wasn't meant for that Mikaela. It was Matthew who ended up winning. It's not that I had any particular problem with that now, no. Now my problem was Asher trying to force Yuu's memories out and getting somewhere with it. My biggest problem, however, is the possibility that Ray remembered something he shouldn't have. So now a problem of the past has reoccurred, Ray randomly attacking had once again become a possibility.

One thing about me that had noticeably changed was my dead set morals felt... looser. I had the feeling I would have no problems becoming more flexible in order to deal with threats. Considering how I already handled things, I was fairly close to becoming a menace to society.

I just hoped Ray didn't know that yet.



After the long car ride, Mikaela shook me awake and headed into work as per usual, "I'll see you later, call me if you need anything."He said as he gave me a kiss. He seemed hesitant to be away from me and his let his lips linger there for a bit longer while his thumb was softly stroking my face.

"Mika?" I called to snap him out of whatever daze he was in.

"Right, sorry. Bye, Yuu." He waved as he walked off to the elevator.

"Bye, Mika." I waved back.

I soon went into my own office and took a water out of the mini fridge. I had a pounding headache. I think the smell of my office may have been too overpowering.

While I was mid sip, the door banged open and my lovely red headed friend barged in causing me to choke on my water, "Asher? What are you doing here already?" I asked.

Asher started looking over me as briefly as possible, "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be? It's just a little headache." I smiled.

"No, not that. Mikaela." He clarified.

"Why would Mikaela hurt me?" I asked. I was starting to wonder if maybe Asher's negative experience in relationships combined with the fact that Ray and Mika were acquaintances made Asher not trust Mikaela. But at the same time, I was also looking at the possibility of his fear of Mikaela being justified. Many people I have seen were in one way or another afraid of him. But none showed genuine fear similar to that of Asher. It was always more of an annoyance.

"Call it a hunch." He plopped down on the couch.

"It's not time for your appointment yet, is it?" I asked yet another question.

"Mikaela canceled your appointments for today," he sighed, "something about you needing to recharge."

"Oh... he didn't tell me that." I pressed my lips together.

"Not surprised. He would want to keep you as close as possible for as long as possible." Asher really did look scared, but it was overpowered by the anger evident on his face.

I found the whole Mika not telling me thing a little weird but it is what it is in the end. I was ok with it. So I didn't understand why I felt like there was a weight on my chest, "So why are you here then?"

"I already told you, I had a feeling you wouldn't be ok," Asher ran a hand through his hair, "I was so stressed out."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Nah, it's your day off. We can talk about some other time," he offered me a charming smile, "we're gonna have to talk about a lot of things."

"Well, you're my only daily appointment, so I'll make sure we talk in detail about it, Matthew." I joked around a little. Asher was always nice to be around, I felt comfortable.

"Yeah, that sounds good to-" he stopped mid sentence and stared at me, eyes wide and mouth open, "wait, what?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I probably should I've worded it differently." I apologized.

"No, no that's not-" he key his eyes fixated on my own and took a deep breath in, "it's ok. I was being a little over sensitive."

I leaned back a little in my chair and closed my eyes, "Did you want to hang out for a little bit or can I go home? I'm content with either."

"Maybe it's best for you to go home, take some time to rest," I heard the squeak of the furniture as Asher stood, "bye, Yuu."

"Bye:" I said cheerfully. As soon as he was gone I let out the breath I had been holding in and began to think for a moment, "I think that confirms it well enough. Asher is Matthew. Now I just need to figure out what exactly that means."


I really offer you guys a roller coaster of emotions. No, not with the story you fucking moron, with these authors notes 🙄. Am I gonna have something useful to say (unlikely) or am I just gonna randomly pop off (yeah)? Love you, baby, please don't leave me, I don't have the money for child support 😘.

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