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"I'm never drinking again." The sadistic side of the murdering fuck whined as he laid on the bathroom floor.

I was leaning against the door frame with a glass of ice water, "You're definitely dehydrated, drink some water." I offered it to him with a yawn. It was like 5am, I was exhausted.

"How the fuck are you ok?" He asked.

"Hmm, I wonder. Maybe, and hear me out here, maybe it's because I learned the hard way about this wonderful thing called moderation. I only had one drink, you had like 5." I pushed the water further down to get it close to him.

He rolled his eyes, "You're such a dick."

I yawned again, "Ok, cool. Suffer alone." I put the cup on the sink counter and walked back into the bedroom.

I guess it was a good thing he woke me up for this because otherwise I wouldn't have been awake for the text I just got.

Yoichi: When are you coming home?

Yuu: Today, but I'm leaving for a business trip on Saturday for a week

Yoichi: Yeah, uh huh
Yoichi: I bet you're sneaking off to go see your second roommate 🙄

Yuu: Don't be ridiculous bby. You know you're the only one for me 😘

Yoichi: ok but seriously. Should I just move in with Shiho?

Yuu: I've only been gone for two days, chill

Yoichi: I know
Yoichi: Uh
Yoichi: When you come home I wanna talk about something important

Yuu: Ight

Yoichi: Cool cool. See you after work.

Yuu: See you then

I put my phone down with a huff. I wasn't gonna get any more sleep tonight. I was feeling really frustrated. I didn't even know what to do with this amount of emotion. Well, no, I knew healthy coping mechanisms, but it was 5am and I didn't have the energy to do them. Maybe the 4-7-8 breathing would work to at least get me to sleep.



After another hour or so of fighting the urge to vomit and drinking water, I managed to get myself up from the floor. My whole body felt so much heavier than usual. I wasn't going into work today and I would leave it up to Yuu if he wanted to go in or not.

I trudged back to my room, leaning on the wall most of the way. I took the bathroom trash bin with me just in case anything happened. I set the bin on the ground next to my bed and just laid on the floor for a while. Getting up required a lot of energy I just didn't have.

The floor was cold and felt amazing. I figured there would be no harm in drifting off for a little.


I woke up about 2 hours later, typical of me, feeling much better. I still didn't want to go into work but I may force myself to. I pushed myself off the floor and noticed how much lighter it was. It was around 8:30, too late to go into work anyway. Yuu was still sleeping soundly, not at all worried about how late he was going to be, most likely he was relying on me to wake him up.

He looked so calm, for someone whom so obviously didn't trust me, he slept like a log weather I was here or not.

I shook him once to try and wake him up, but he was really out of it. I didn't necessarily care, he could sleep all he wanted to.

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