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I stared up at the ceiling in the room I was currently staying in. Mikaela's apartment was definitely comfortable, but the fact he was on a trip with my former husband didn't sit right with me. I wanted to get Yuu's memories back so bad, but I didn't want to hurt him... or worse, cause Mikaela to hurt him. I didn't want to put him through more trauma just so he can remember.

Something was wrong, I could feel it in the very depths of my bones. After living with a dog for both of your lives, you start to really pay attention to your more animalistic instincts. Mikaela hadn't hurt him yet, but I wasn't willing to wait until he did. I had to be very careful about my next moves, anything and everything might send Mikaela over the edge and that's the last thing I wanted.

"I can be better." I mumbled to myself.

Better. Mikaela himself had told me I could be better than the Asher of the past. I could be better than the man who went by Matthew for so long until the love of his life swooped in and saved him from his life of misery.

Mikaela may not have realized it, but I took that to mean it was my turn to save Yuu. Mikaela was already planning to take down the Hiragi company from the shadows which definitely sounds like a Mikaela Shindo thing to do more so than one Mikaela Tepes would.

When it comes to those two, it's hard to tell whose worse for who when you really look at it. Mikaela was obviously the worse person out of the two of them, but I mean for each other. Mikaela sent Yuu to hell on Earth multiple times but Yuu was not as innocent as he claimed, he was opportunistic to say the least. He was initially going to use Mikaela's obsession for him to make him kill Ray who scared him more, then he switched the roles. After seeing how defeated Ray was.

I loved Yuu, but I won't deny that even in our relationship he was opportunistic. Any chance to get on top he would take. Both in bed and in the power dynamic. Although, I think the power dynamic problem may have been due to feeling weak against Mikaela for so long. The real nail in the coffin was that he went to visit Mikaela every year. He claimed it was for guilt reasons, but the one and only time I ever went with him he smiled the entire time. He was gloating about his victory. His face was screaming 'Whose helpless now?'.

I laughed a little at the memory and clutched onto my shirt, "That's my Yuu alright."

At this point, I didn't care if Yuu loved me, I really didn't. I just wanted him the hell away from Mikaela and everything in Mikaela's world, including me.

My phone stared to ring and I dreaded answering it, knowing exactly who it was.

"What?" I hissed.

"Babbbby, I miss you~" he whined.

"Ok? How is that my problem?" I asked.

"I love how feisty you get when you're away from me," his voice was low and husky, "it gets me excited to make you whimper underneath me."

I cringed so fucking hard, "I hate you."

"I know, but you still answered my call. You always answer. I love that." He snickered.

"Go fuck yourself." I immediately regretted my word choice.

"But I'd rather fuck you. You look so weak when I do." I could hear the deep vibrations in his chest.

"If this is seriously only a booty call I'm hanging up." I said.

"Don't you dare." It was a short and simple threat, Ray and Mikaela both loved to leave the actual threat up to the imagination.

"This is pointless." I sighed.

"What if I talk about something else?" He offered.

"This sounds like a trap. At least I know what to expect with the booty call." I said.

"I can't get over how bold you get when I can't get to you, it's so hot. I'm so excited to see you again and fuck you into subm-"

"No. Any other topic is fine." I cut him off.

"I'm glad we agree," he almost sounded like there was more than one voice talking, but I've learned to just accept that, "how was your day?"

"Better before you called." I deadpanned.

"I get to be a big part of your day." He sounded a little too happy about that.

"Yeah, my least favorite part." I was a little tense while talking to him, but I knew I was probably safe.

"Any attention from you is good attention," he paused for a moment, "what if I came to get you for a little? We could have a date night."

My breath hitched, "Y-you can't. Don't."

"Ahhhh, fuck, I love how you sound right now. I miss you so much. Don't you miss me? It's already been a week." He was being annoying right now, but I preferred that to what he could be like.

I doubt he would like it if I replied no, but answering yes might excite him too much.

"I see." Was my final answer.

"A neutral response. That could be changed." I think Ray's horny was beyond my understanding at this point and I didn't want to be involved in any way.

"Hire a prostitute," I huffed, "please go away if you're just going to be like this the whole time."

"But I want you and only you. No one else does it for me like you," He snickered, "I thought you didn't like when I cheated on you?"

"Raymond, go away. I don't want to deal with you. You're upsetting me." I raised my voice a little.

He whispered a little bit before his tone completely changed, "Don't act like you're the one in control. You know in the end it's up to me. You. Are. Mine. I can use you however the fuck I want and it's your job to take it. This entire thing is fucking stupid and if you don't come back to me at the end of these 4 weeks I'm going to take you back."

I felt myself shrink a little bit, "S-sto-p it."

"I hate that fucking stutter. All you do is make me feel guilty. Maybe I wouldn't be so scary if you actually complied once in a while. No one else would deal with your bullshit. You know that I'm the only one who will even remotely tolerate you." I could almost see his psychotic looking smile.

"Stop. It." I gained some confidence at the fact that he probably couldn't get to me... probably.

"Fine, baby, I'll get that hooker like you said. You've given me a good idea for something to do when you come back." He snickered.

"Go away." I repeated for possibly the 4th time in this conversation.

"I'm going. I love you," he waited for a response that wasn't going to come, "no, I didn't think so. Whatever, Ash. I'll see you in 3 more weeks."

He hung up and I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I can't go back with him.

I didn't like the feeling in my chest. It felt tight and my breathing was uneven. I hated this entire situation and the not so gentle reminder I got that Raymond would likely never let me go was only making things worse. Call me selfish, but at this point I didn't care if it crushed Ray, I was never going back.

I'd kill him first.


Old Yuu really pulled an Uno Reverse on Mikaela.

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