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I woke up to the sound of beeping and was blinded by the white lights over head. My heart rate instantly picked up again and the monitor knew it. It was too familiar. I felt it. It hurt.

Despite my immense amounts of pain and the thought that if I tried to eat anything right now I would most likely throw it up, I was craving cake.

"Yuu!" My dad was immediately by my side, looking me over to make sure everything was ok.

"Shinya, his heart rate." My pop informed him.

"Oh, shit. It's getting faster. Baby, are you ok? Can you hear me?" He asked.

I didn't understand why they were here. They needed to get out. Mika would- no. What?

What the fuck is going on with me today?

"What happened?" I finally asked.

"You had a really bad panic attack, you ended up fainting due to hyperventilating so much. They wanna run some blood tests and see what comes up." Pop explained.

"I'm sorry. This was probably not the best time to have a panic attack." I joked a little. It still hurt. So fucking bad.

"No, no, it's ok. You can't control that." Dad grabbed my hand.

My pop took hold of my other hand, "We don't mind, we're just happy you're ok. Did something trigger you? Was it random?"

"I can't really remember. I was doing all of my patient's therapy appointment and next thing I knew I couldn't breathe, my entire life flashed before my eyes. I hope I didn't traumatize my patient even more."

"No, you definitely didn't. I've seen worse and been through similar things.," He waved as he entered the room, "hope it's not weird I'm here."

My parents looked him over, he looked more disheveled than usual. His hair was starting to grow out as well so his dark roots were very noticeable.

"Have we met before?" Pop asked him.

"I don't think so." He smiled cheerfully

My fathers violet orbs stared just a little bit longer, he was always good at telling when something was up, "Right, sorry, probably just your eyes."

"They are very similar to your son's." He laughed.

"Hey, Ash?" I called.

Green eyes snapped towards me, I still got a weird feeling looking at them. Ironically as a therapist, I really didn't like how many things I was feeling, "Yeah?"

"If you're here does that mean Mika is here too?" I asked.

"Yep." His tone dropped a little bit, but it wasn't very noticeable. Unfortunately for him, we were a very preceptive family and my dad was very outspoken.

"Is that a bad thing?" Dad asked.

"Huh? No. I didn't mean to make it seem that way, I'm sorry." He laughed awkwardly.

As if on cue, my handsome boyfriend walked through the door and stopped right in his tracks.

Probably more people than he was hoping for.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt. Yuu, are you feeling any better?" He asked me.

"Yeah, yeah, come here real quick." I motioned for him to join me and he quickly came around to the other side of the bed where my pop was.

"Hello." Mikaela greeted him with an awkward half smile.

"Hi..." Pop crossed his arms and joined my dad on the opposite side.

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