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As I went into work the next day I was immediately met by my boyfriend's arms around me, "I missed you."

"It hasn't even been a full day." I laughed as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I know," he leaned back into my hand a little more, "but I still missed you."

"I missed you too," I gave him a peck, "oh, did you hear what happened?"

"With what?" He asked.

"The Hiragi Corporation." I was pretending to be as shocked as possible, but I agreed with Pop, Mika was definitely involved somehow. No one had enough influence or money to make them go under so quickly other than Mikaela.

"No, what happened?" He asked.

"My uncle had to claim bankruptcy." I couldn't tell which one of us was putting on a better show.

"Oh my gosh, are they ok?!" He seemed surprised enough.

My eyes trailed across the lobby that was currently bustling with workers and found my red haired friend staring in annoyance.

First 'Matthew', now this. What the fuck is happening?

"You really didn't know?" I asked.

"I had no idea, is everyone ok?" He looked so worried... I wanted to believe him. I did believe him.

"They're ok," I answered, deciding to drop it, "it's not like they don't have private accounts. They're just gonna have to live a little less lavishly."

"Oh, god," Mikaela looked horrified for just a split second, "I'm really more worried about their workers. So many people must've lost their jobs."

"I know, it's awful to think about." I said.

"We're opening some new buildings, do you think I should have my people contact the old workers? They're definitely good quality if they were working for the Hiragis and it pains me to imagine all those people having to try and find new jobs. With that amount there's no way they can all be employed. If I hire some of them it should be a lot easier for the others." He suggested.

There's no way someone like this could be capable of anything bad. He's so compassionate. Even though he's never experienced these things he wants to help so badly.

"I think that's a great idea. If positions are opening up, might as well fill them, and this is really good for them. You're an angel, I swear." I placed my hand on his cheek which must've been a bit shocking to him, his eyes were wide. It was cute.

There's no way he can be involved.

But once again, I was reminded of the Matthew situation. But... I wasn't so sure it could be as bad as I thought. Maybe Asher was his middle name or something and he only started going by it recently. My excuses for Mika's suspicious behavior didn't really make much sense. But in my eyes, he could do no wrong.

I decided it was probably best to talk to 'Matthew' about it himself.


"I am so confused," I rubbed my temple, "did you take them out because of what Mahiru Hiragi did to Yuu or because you wanted to steal Kureto Hiragi's workers?"

"It ended up becoming both. It was always about Yuu, and it still is. But, I saw an opportunity, and I took it." he explained as he wrote an email back to the rat tail himself.

"Ok? But when did you have time to do that? You had to have done it recently and you were with him for a few days." I asked again.

"The trip served more than one purpose, it was meant to get him out of the office, and I also got to spend time with him. I had a few associates of mine do the work for me," He clicked the enter button hard and looked up to me, "is that all? Are we done?"

"You still need to come up for what to do when he confronts someone about my name." I reminded him.

"No, I don't." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"He won't ask, he trusts me." Mikaela insisted.

"You don't know him very well." I deadpanned.

"And you know more?" He asked.

"Well, I was married to him for 58 years, so yeah, I think I do." I reminded him.

"He's different now." Mikaela snarled.

"Slightly, yeah. We're all slightly different. But his trust issues have always been there and they're still there. Why would he call me Matthew if he trusted you completely?" I pointed out.

"I'm more worried about something else." He admitted.

"Oh? What's that?" I asked, wondering what could be more worrisome in his eyes than Yuu's trust issues.

"He called me an angel," Mikaela's eyebrows furrowed, "I'm starting to wonder if he really does know more than he's letting on. I've been trying to avoid some of the old pet names I used, and he just threw that at me so randomly."

"I don't think it's anything too bad, you've been nothing but an angel to him as far as he's aware." I smiled and hoped to god he couldn't tell how fucking scared I was.

I had what one might call an epiphany: Everyone is better off if Yuu doesn't remember. The closer Yuu stays to Mikaela, the less aggressive Mikaela is, the farther away I can stay from Ray, and all those peoples' mental health stays in tact. I don't think anyone is ready to handle how many people would have a psychotic episode if Yuu got his memories back, it would be like dominos.

Still, I knew that it wouldn't last. Mikaela would grow bored of his less violent methods of revenge and snap back into his old ways, and I needed to be here for that. This time, I was going to protect Yuu better. Everyone wants to talk about how fucking great the Lieutenant was, but he was a fucking coward. I'm a fucking coward too. But I'm going to be there this time.

And I'll do whatever I have to.

"Asher, you're shaking again."

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