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A/N: I hate the fact that I wound up cutting at least half the content I had planned for this... bleh. Anyway, it's been fun guys, but I think it's about time for me to sign off Wattpad for good. I hope you enjoy this last chapter though.


The sun radiated light and warmth, bringing to life the greens, reds, blues, purples, yellows, and a variety of other colors that dotted the Lanayru Wetlands. Animals of all sizes roamed the countryside, grazing, digging, collecting, and chasing each other around as two horses bearing a Hylian and Gerudo stepped along the dirt path leading through the heart of the wetlands. Accompanying the two riders was a Goron, who managed to keep up even at a leisurely pace.

Are you sure youre up for this?

Hmm? Zelda hummed quietly as Urbosas question pulled her out of her thoughts.

The wedding, I mean. The former Gerudo Champion was eyeing her carefully. The Princess of Hyrule knew full well that meant the woman knew something was off, not that Zelda found that surprising at all. She had always been a poor liar, especially when it came to Urbosa. Youve been acting a bit strangely ever since the Calamity was sealed away, but this past week youve been really out of sorts. A month had passed since Ganon had been sealed away and in that time, Zelda, with the support of the other races, had taken to rebuilding the castle and its surrounding town. Daruk and Urbosa, feeling that it would be best to remain close to the Princess, had taken on roles as her retainers. It was only a matter of time before they noticed that something was off, though she had never meant to hide her secrets from them for long. If she were to succeed in her ultimate goal, she would need their support.

I am sorry. I did not mean to worry you. I simply have a lot on my mind.

I get that, Daruk rumbled. Ya have a lot on yer plate, tryin ta rebuild the castle and all.

As well as excavating the catacombs. How Urbosa managed to sound so casual about something she should not have known about was beyond Zelda. Then again, the Gerudo woman often seemed to know what was going through her mind before she ever said a word. It could be incredibly uncomfortable. Did you think we werent aware?

Impa told us, Daruk sighed, evidently displeased with how Urbosa had chosen to handle the subject.

I wish I could say I was surprised, Zelda chuckled, not displeased that they had some idea of what was going on. In the process of clearing the debris throughout the castle, the Sheikah had discovered a hidden study within the library containing her fathers journal. Zelda had pored over the late kings thoughts, coming to love her departed father even more dearly as she came to see just how much he had loved her. The poor king, with so much on his shoulders, had even condemned himself for his harshness toward her in his later entries.

How she wished she could let him know she forgave him for all of it.

While that had been a most unexpected and unpleasant surprise, the more practical side of her brain had begun mulling over the existence of the study. One problem she had never been able to make sense of was how Ganon had erupted from beneath Hyrule Castle. Believing that he had simply given up his corporeal form to continue haunting Hyrule, she had chalked it up to some intelligence on Ganons part. After spending one hundred years locked away with him, she had come to understand him and was no longer certain of her previous conclusion. Not only that, but he had chosen a very humanoid form during the final confrontation. With so many questions taunting her, the Princess had started to develop a hypothesis that would have most labeling her as insane.

That was until the Sheikah had discovered another secret within the castles library. An entrance to catacombs stretching out below the castle.

Zelda had kept the secret close to her chest, only communicating with written word when the topic of the underground labyrinth was discussed. Thankfully, her two retainers trusted her enough to not stand over her shoulder as she wrote.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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