Brother and Sister

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The Zora had requested her presence when the Divine Beast's rampage had begun. She wasn't terribly surprised. She had spent a great deal of time working on the Divine Beasts alongside Princess Zelda and several other Sheikah scientists. The missive had been rather unspecific as to the true nature of the problem but she had packed her supplies immediately and set off.

She and her assistant, Symin, had spent the better part of a month traveling to the Domain. It had frustrated her to no end, but Symin was continually dropping equipment and misplacing their supplies. That alongside the fact that neither of them was exceptional combatants made their travel time much longer than it should have been.

They had been enthusiastically greeted by the Prince of the Domain upon their arrival. He had rushed them quickly to the throne room where Dorephan, the Zora King, was waiting for them. She gaped up at the gargantuan Zora seated on the throne. When she had first met Dorephan, he had towered over the Gorons. Now the ancient King was larger than life, almost as tall as the domed ceiling that rose above them. Sidon, his son, and Prince of the Domain stood beside his father, not losing the original enthusiasm he had greeted them with for a moment. On Dorephan's other side stood one of the elders. His scales were green and, much to her amusement, his head was flat as though someone had dropped a heavy pan onto it.

"Welcome to Zora's Domain, madam Purah." She smiled to herself as Dorephan's voice boomed through the throne room. She was surprised that Dorephan didn't seem the least bit shocked at her appearance. Then again, in all the years she'd known him she had never seen the King phased by anything.

"Just Purah will do," she replied with a cheeky snap of her fingers.

"I take it you are the assistant that we have heard so much about?" Dorephan asked as he turned his attention to Symin. Purah tapped her foot annoyedly. The child in her wanted to stomp, but the more rational part of her knew that would be inappropriate.

She assumed Symin nodded as he remained mercifully silent.

"May I assume that you know why we requested you here?"

"You want us to see if there is anything that can be done about Vah Ruta," she replied.

"My King, I must protest this again. You don't honestly believe that this-this child," he spluttered as he waved his hands in Purah's direction, "can do anything about Vah Ruta. This is a job best left to a Zora."

Purah's irritation instantly flared at the reference to her apparent age. She opened her mouth to retort, but Dorephan beat her to it.

"Now Muzu," Dorephan cut in, calm as ever, "it is rude to comment on a lady's age. Now then," Dorephan continued as he ignored Muzu's grumbled retort, "as I recall, you worked alongside Princess Zelda and my daughter to activate Ruta."

"That's right," she replied with a thumbs up. She sent Muzu an impish grin, which only grew as the elder's frustration visibly increased.

"So, you know that Ruta has the ability to create an endless supply of water. For the past few weeks, Ruta has been spewing this water into the air, creating endless rains."

"For a few weeks!" Purah cried. "That would mean that the dam..." she trailed off.

"You see the problem," Dorephan stated. "Princess Zelda believed that the orbs above Ruta's joints could conduct electricity. Sergeant Seggin managed to shoot a shock arrow into one of the orbs. Thankfully, the deluge slowed for a time, but only for a time." Dorephan sighed before continuing, "my son proposed we find a warrior capable of handling shock arrows so we could hit all the orbs, but even if we could, I feel it would only be a temporary solution. That is why we asked you here. Do you know of a way to calm the Divine Beast?"

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