The Chief of the Gerudo

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"That's your plan?" Revali hissed when Barta had finished explaining her idea. "You want to use bananas to distract them. That's just –"

"Asinine," Barta finished, "you mentioned that already."

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried that you don't understand how ridiculous you sound."

"What happened to 'you know this place better than I do?'"

"That was before your brilliant plan hinged on bananas!"

"Do you have any idea how I snatched that pouch of yours from them?" she asked with a pointed look.

"There's no way"

"I threw a banana that I had stowed away. They were tripping over each other just to get to it."

Revali narrowed his eyes, looking for the slightest indication that she was pulling his leg, but he found none. He wasn't sure how long she had been imprisoned, but he suspected that it had been long enough for her to start losing her grip on reality.

"So," he started as he began rubbing his eyes with his fingertips, "your grand plan is to wait for another shipment, during which we will steal bananas, which we will then use to escape," the Rito Champion finished. "Does that about cover it?" he asked.

"Pretty much."

"This is ridiculous," he sighed as he sat back ungracefully.

"Oh, you're a pouter?"

"Don't start," he grumbled. He had quickly grown tired of her teasing nature. It reminded him of the way Urbosa talked to him, which annoyed him for some reason that he couldn't quite put a finger on.

"You're no fun, you know that?"

He glared at the Gerudo woman again, but she only returned it with a grin. With nothing more to say, he turned his attention back to the Hylian Champion. Link's face was twisted into an unpleasant grimace as his eyes moved restlessly beneath their lids. He hated to admit, even to himself, but seeing Link in such a state was unnerving. The Hylian had often seemed too stubborn to be kept down by injuries.

The fact that there weren't any improvements in Link's condition, outside of his face losing some of it's flush, further disturbed the Rito Champion. He had given Link at least three healing potions, and still, his condition continued to steadily degrade.

He pushed his thoughts away with a huff. It wasn't going to do anyone any good to sit and mope.

"Do you have any stamina potions?" Barta asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" he sighed as he turned back to find her glancing down the hall.

"Just answer the –"


"Give him one," Barta commanded as she kept watch for any unwelcome visitors.

"How will that help?"

"I'm not sure," she answered, not tearing her gaze away. "It was just a trick I learned while training with the Guard."

Revali bit back a retort. While he questioned Barta's sanity, he couldn't deny that she had already proven herself by saving most of their supplies. He supposed it couldn't hurt anything to try it. He had no training in medicine, but he couldn't come up with any reason that the potion could do any more damage.

He dug the pouch out as Barta kept watch and dug around, finally pulling out the green potion. He dumped the contents of the bottle down Link's throat. Even with two health potions and more stamina potions, he knew he still needed to get the Hylian to Mipha quickly. He didn't know how long he had left, or if getting him to her sooner would increase the likelihood of a full recovery. At the very least, it increased his odds of survival.

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