Something to Remember

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Darkness enveloped the Gerudo Champion on all sides, pressing in from every angle and obscuring everything that may have made up her surroundings. She had no idea how she had found herself in such oblivion, butthat was the last question on her mind as she spun around, looking for something to mark her location and help ground her in the darkness.

There was nothing Urbosa could use as a guidepost but she found that she still maintained a sense of direction somehow. It was a bit disorienting to have no idea where she was in regards to where she had started, but she didn't spend long questioning it. Soft crying reached out, begging for her attention from somewhere within the darkness.

After isolating the direction from which the sound was emanating, the woman explored the ground in front of her. Though her foot found nothing that would cause her to fall, she still took a cautious step forward.

Again, she explored the area before her, stepping more confidently when she found nothing that would hinder her progress.

Once certain that she could walk without fear of stumbling, the Gerudo Champion strode forward briskly. She kept her ear trained on the sound, letting it be her guide through the opaque world.

As the seconds stretched into minutes, and the minutes felt to be stretching into hours, Urbosa drew closer to the edge of desperation. Judging by the pitch of the crying, the person for whom she was searching was a child. Likely one who was lost and frightened in a land in which nothing could be seen.

Just as she was beginning to wonder if the child really did exist, she caught sight of small, blue-feathered form huddled on the ground.

The Gerudo Champion paused, taking a moment to collect herself before making her way to the child. Now that she could see him, she reined in her sense of urgency, worrying that she would only terrify the Rito child further.

She drew close, crouching down in the hopes that she could keep her height from intimidating him.

When she was within arms reach, she stopped, observing the Rito for a moment. Something about him, about the shade of his feathers, was eerily familiar to her. "Are you hurt?" she asked quietly.

The child flinched violently, whipping around to gaze at her through his feathered hands with a single, emerald eye.

Again, she was overcome with a feeling of nostalgia.

The Rito shrunk in on himself, shuffling away from her before huddling back down, trying to make himself as small as possible.

With great patience, the woman waited a few seconds, allowing the child to settle down somewhat before slowly approaching him once again.

The Rito managed to shrink down even further as she closed the distance again.

She crouched next to him for a few seconds, allowing him to grow used to her presence before finally reaching out and setting a hand on his upper back. As she had expected, the child tensed up even further; however, she didn't let that dissuade her. With slow, circular motions, she rubbed his upper back, murmuring to him as he relaxed little by little.

Tears were still streaming from his eyes as he finally uncurled from the little ball he had made of himself. He sat up, wiping at his eyes with a wing as he stared up at her with a mix of hope and hesitation.

As she had suspected, she knew the face that gazed up at her well.

"Are you hurt?"

The child shook his head, still sniffling.

"I'm glad to hear that," she replied warmly. "My name is Urbosa. May I ask yours?"

" Revali." The child that would one day grow into the Rito Champion again shrunk inward as she sized him up silently.

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