Whatever it Takes

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"Were you just strutting?" Urbosa asked, causing the Rito Champion to freeze in place.

"No!" he replied as he rounded on her, overcoming his paralysis.

Strutting was a particular form of walking that male Rito partook in. During the early years of a Rito's life, a boy would unknowingly slip into a swagger, much to the amusement of those around him. Though he refused to admit it to the Gerudo Champion, Revali had unwittingly slipped into the same pattern of behavior as his childhood. Something which was added to the already merciless teasing he had to endure.

As a result, he had done his best to quash the natural instinct, which had ironically only served to isolate him further.

During festivals or similar celebrations, men of the Rito tribe would have plentiful opportunities to attract women as they strutted through the Village. Revali, having been thoroughly humiliated in the past, decided against what he had deemed to be such an asinine display; however, he could never figure out why the females of the Tribe only expressed a limited interest in him as a mate. It wasn't until Kaneli had informed him years later that his refusal to take part in the festivities had led women to believe that he was disinterested in them.

Despite the isolation it brought him, Revali actively refrained from strutting at all. He believed that he had all but lost the inclination, but apparently, he had not.

He eyed Medli, who was currently sitting next to Link as the Hylian showed her how to cook a simple dish. A part of him was annoyed by the fact that she hadn't been paying him any mind, the other part was extraordinarily grateful that she had not witnessed it. While most boys practiced their technique in private, he had not devoted any time to it at all. He likely looked like he was just learning how to walk.

"Really?" Urbosa asked in a whisper as she appeared next to him, causing him to jump. Sometimes he forgot how quickly she could close distances. "Because that looked like an attempt at strutting."

"I don't strut!" he hissed back, hoping that Medli wouldn't hear.

"Clearly." He narrowed his eyes at the dryness of her tone. He didn't like what she was insinuating.

"Oh, no." Both Champions' attention was directed towards Medli as the Rito girl groaned and hung her head. Beside her, Link's movements had become frantic, likely trying to save whatever dish Medli had just ruined.

"Maybe you two should take a break," Urbosa suggested.

"Yes!" Link replied, clearly frazzled by the latest development in his beloved cooking pot.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, he'll survive dear. While you aren't busy there was something I was hoping to ask you about if you don't mind?"

Revali's eyes narrowed further as the Gerudo Champion sent him a playful smile. While he could tolerate her more than he used to, the insufferable woman still knew how to ruffle his feathers.

Both Medli and Urbosa walked a short distance away and had a hushed conversation, leaving a very paranoid Revali to sit restlessly while Link finished cleaning his instruments.

"You don't have to be so dramatic," he sniffed as he looked at the nearly traumatized Hylian.


"Seriously, is such a big deal that she made one tiny mistake?"

"Is it a big deal that you were strutting?"

The two glared at each other, a mutual understanding being passed between them.

"Grab your sword," Link muttered.

"Get your bow."

Once the duo had grabbed the equipment they needed, they left the camp behind and found a suitable spot to pick up their training.

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