Her Best Friend

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Dorephan sat back against his throne and watched his son pace back and forth in front of him. He had never seen Prince Sidon in such a state. Sidon, like his older sister, was governed primarily by his heart. It made it difficult for the young Prince to think rationally at times, especially when others were in need. Even so, Dorephan hated to admit that he was surprised that his normally optimistic son was this angry. Though, even he felt a simmering anger when he thought of his daughter who still slept in her room.

"How could they keep this from us!" Sidon burst out. "They let us believe she was dead for all these years."

Of the many responses that came to mind, he chose silence as his son continued to pace at his feet. He had learned not long after taking the throne that silence could be just as powerful as a commanding voice when used properly.

"Did you know?" Sidon asked as he rounded on him. His eyes stared up at Dorephan trying to pierce through him.

He was grateful that Muzu had chosen to remain with Mipha as she slept. The old Zora had been especially hard on the Prince since Mipha's loss. Had the Elder been there to hear the tone of the young Prince's voice, he surely would have started lecturing him.

"I had my suspicions, but I was certain of nothing."

"How long did you have these suspicions?"

"Do you remember what happened not long after the Great Calamity?"

"Do you mean the rogue Guardian that nearly attacked us? Why didn't you- " the Prince stopped as Dorephan held up a webbed hand. He said nothing as he allowed his attention to be drawn to the silvery sheen that filled the tranquil waters of the domain. The soft light took him back to his younger days. He had always had a special love of Night. The way the Moon glinted off the Domain's intricate, metallic surfaces held a beauty that the Sun could not hope to match. He let the calmness of the night wash over him before he answered Sidon.

"The Guardian didn't find its way here by accident. No, it was following a Hylian Knight who had come to deliver a message. I found him after I disposed of the Guardian. I believe his name was Owen." He paused, taking time to remember the Hylian that had brought him the barest glimmer of hope. He could sense his son's impatience.

"He told me that your sister had fallen on the field of battle and that the Hylian Champion carried her off the field himself. The Knight then told me that he had personally seen her to a place called the Shrine of Resurrection. He was uncertain as to whether or not she would survive, however, he seemed to think that she at least had a chance."

"He also gave me this," Dorephan continued as he opened a chest that lay beside him. From it, he pulled a beautiful trident.

"The Lightscale Trident," Sidon gasped. "But how? We sent it drifting down the river." The King smiled as he heard a tinge of the usual excitement in the Prince's voice.

"A part of me believed that she may still be alive," Dorephan murmured as his finger traced a wave-like appendage on one of the prongs. Even as an addition for mere aesthetics, it was quite sharp. "I had Dento forge a copy before the ceremony. That was what we sent down the river." He set the trident down gingerly, worried that he may damage it.

"I'm sorry," Sidon said suddenly.

"Whatever for?"

"I was insensitive when I asked you that. I should have taken time to think about how hard this must have been for you." Sidon sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"You have every right to be upset with me," Dorephan replied firmly. "I was not as forthright with you as I should have been. She is as dear to you as she is to me."

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