Into the Desert

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Urbosa peered through the hole, watching as the corpses that had been milling around slowed as they disintegrated piece by piece. Eventually, she motioned for Mipha and Medli to follow after her as the remnants of the deceased slowed to a near stop.

The Gerudo Champion straightened herself, eyeing the sky overhead as the two crawled out after her. The moon had returned to its natural color, but Link, Revali, and Farosh were nowhere to be found.

"Where is Link?" Mipha asked as she looked around. "W-where is he?" she asked again as her voice shook slightly.

Medli remained uncharacteristically silent as her eyes fell.

"We need to move," Urbosa murmured as she set a hand on both girls' shoulders and led them away from the entrance to the cave. When she had gotten them a safe distance away, she called out to Daruk, who busted through the stone-covered entrance a few seconds later.

"Ha! I knew you two coul –"

He stopped as Urbosa shook her head sharply. He frowned, asking a question with his eyes that she didn't have the answer to. She could see that he was beginning to understand the situation as his eyes grew cloudy.

"We shouldn't stay here," Daruk mumbled as he began scratching at his beard. "We should we should get movin.'"

"We can't just leave them!"

Urbosa set a hand on the Zora Champion's shoulder, trying her best to comfort the distraught Zora.

"We should go to Kara Kara Bazaar," Medli stated thoughtfully.

"The Kara Kara what now?" Daruk asked.

"The Kara Kara Bazaar. Once we hit the actual Desert, it's the only stop on the way to Gerudo Town. Not only that, since men aren't allowed in Gerudo Town, it would be the only place that – "

For once, Urbosa didn't tune the Rito girl out. A few times, Medli began to wander off into the realms of history or trade, but with some careful steering, she would get back to focusing on the relevant details. The Bazaar not only had an Inn, but it also had several shops where they would be able to restock their supplies. There was also an oasis, making it the perfect place for people to wait, particularly a Zora who required an ample water supply. The Rito girl also made a point to describe the high foot traffic, increasing the likelihood that they would either be able to find Link and Revali or find someone who may know something.

" – Mipha and I could wait there while you and Daruk go on ahead."

The Gerudo Champion exchanged a glance with Daruk. She could see that he wanted to stay, but she knew they needed to keep moving. Even if moving forward didn't help them find the other two, it would only be a detriment. The two younger ones especially were in need of something to distract them. They were engaged in a silent debate until they noticed that Mipha was shifting around restlessly while mumbling nervously as she glanced all around. Seeing the Zora Champion in that state hastened their decision.

"Kara Kara Bazaar it is," Daruk stated firmly. Urbosa could see that he still had reservations, but he kept them to himself as he gingerly began herding Mipha and Medli onwards. Following behind, Urbosa, kept her eyes and ears trained for any sign of the two missing Champions. While she admired Medli's optimism, she was as painfully aware as Mipha was that it was unlikely that they had come out of their confrontation with Farosh unscathed. Even so, so long as they were capable of moving, they would have found some way back. They were either so injured that they had been forced to take shelter, they were injured, or

"Lady Urbosa, may I speak with you for a moment?" Medli's voice was on the verge of a whisper, but it was still enough to pull Urbosa out of her reverie.

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