The Master Sword

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" Apparently, there was a second war that he fought, though Kass wasn't able to get that far," Mipha sighed discontentedly.

Link grunted quietly as he hauled both of them up the tower. He had intended to go up alone, but after Mipha had heard about some of the stunts that he and Daruk had pulled on Death Mountain, she hadn't let him out of her sight. It was her usual response to his ridiculously reckless nature that had formed during his childhood. He would attempt some "heroic feat" as people liked to call it, and when she heard of it, she would stick much closer to him than normal. Then, after the incident would blow over, she'd slowly start letting him have his space back, only for him to attempt another impossible feat. It was like a child's toy that went back and forth.

It wasn't really a bother to him. He understood that even though the vast majority of the time there was nothing she could do, the constancy of seeing him not doing anything too daring was a relief to her. The Hylian was also sure she understood that if she were to truly tie his hands, then he would wind himself tighter than any spring, eventually snapping and doing something that would get him killed.

It wasn't a perfect system, but it was definitely workable.

"I'm sorry if I am boring you," she murmured.

"You're not," he replied as he let them down on one of the many platforms that scaled the Tower. "So, what was his name?"

"I don't know. Kass never said. Oh!" she started excitedly as her face lit up, "I think you'll like this one. He told me a story about a fox who can walk and talk like we can. He could shoot and he even piloted a device similar to the Divine Beasts –"

Link listened silently as she continued to relay another of the stories Kass had told her. Apparently, the fox was accompanied by a frog, a dog, and other various creatures that shouldn't have been able to perform half the deeds she said they did.

He didn't know if it was the absurdity of her claims, or maybe she just lacked the ability to weave words into a beautifully told story. Either way, he was having a difficult time grasping what it was she was trying to tell him.

"- I think I am butchering this," she sighed.

"Probably," Link murmured apologetically. He had overheard snippets of one of the Bard's many tales, and the way she was telling him sounded nothing like Kass.

"I'm sorry."

"I'll just ask him about it later," he said as he crouched down again as Mipha took her place on his back.

"That is a good idea," she agreed as he began taking them back up the tower. "I know how much you love animals."

He grinned as they continued to progress up the Tower.

"So, why did you volunteer to activate this Tower when Revali could have done it in a few minutes?"

"Didn't think it was a good idea to ask," he grunted. Though he was stronger than he had been, climbing with Mipha clinging to him was still a challenge, especially since they had already ascended three-fourths of its height.

"I suppose not. Do you think there is anything we can do to help him?"

"I don't know." He was under the personal impression that he should avoid drawing the Rito's attention as much as possible. More than ever, it felt like the Rito Champion was on the cusp of leaving them entirely. He didn't much care for Revali, but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they needed him.

"I hope he doesn't do anything foolish," Mipha said worriedly.

"He's got an ego the size of Death Mountain, but he's not an idiot."

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