A Bard Named Kass

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Revali shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The Woodland Stable was much more crowded than the previous stables he had been to. The vast amount of Hylians that surrounded him made him feel extraordinarily self-conscious and he couldn't shake the impression that they were all staring at him and judging him. He hadn't caught any of them giving him anything more than a passing glance, the one exception being the only other Rito in the stable. For some reason, the large, round-faced Rito with bright, cheery feathers had been staring at him and Mipha, who sat next to him quietly.

"Mipha," he muttered, trying to catch the Zora's attention. She didn't notice. "Mipha!" he snapped quietly as he shook her.

"What?" she asked quickly as she snapped back to reality.

"I think that there's someone wat- "

"Excuse me," a soft, musical voice interrupted pleasantly. "I was hoping that I could take a moment of your time."

"What?" Revali was already fingering one of his arrows. While the Rito was too close for a bow, that didn't mean an arrow couldn't still be used.

"I wished to say that I did not mean to offend you with my staring," the stranger said, unfazed by Revali's hostility. "You both bear a striking resemblance to the Champions of legend." The stranger closed his eyes as Revali and Mipha exchanged a quick glance. The Rito Champion was extraordinarily glad that Urbosa had suggested they remove their Champions' scarves. "Yes," he finally decided as his eyes snapped open and focused on Mipha, "you look exactly like the statue that was constructed in honor of the Lady Mipha."

"Yes" Urbosa replied easily as she slid into the seat next to Mipha, "we noticed the same thing on our visit to Zora's Domain."

"Ah," he replied happily, "I see that you are travelers as well!"

"We are." Revali kept his beak closed, deciding instead to let Urbosa do all the talking. "If I had to guess, you aren't any ordinary traveler, are you?"

"Very perceptive," the Rito nodded approvingly. "My name is Kass. I am a traveling bard. I left my home to follow in my teacher's footsteps and learn all of the legends of Hyrule."

"Well met, Kass. You may call me Fi." The Rito and Zora Champions exchanged another glance. Revali didn't consider himself to be pious by any stretch of the imagination but taking the name that Hylia had disguised herself with seemed dangerously close to disrespect.

Revali and Mipha were not the only ones that had been thrown off by "Fi's" introduction. Kass blinked at Urbosa a few times before he recovered with an excitable smile.

"So, Kass, would you happen to know anything about the three dragons?"

Revali frowned at Urbosa's question. She had gone to speak to several of the bar's patrons in order to obtain information on the dragons. Why was she asking Kass?

"The three dragons?" Kass tilted his head in thought. "Well, there is Naydra, Dinraal, and Farosh. Each protects a region of Hyrule that contains one of the springs dedicated to the Goddess. Here in the Eldin region, you'll be searching for Dinraal."

"Who said we were searching for any of them?" Revali asked indifferently.

"Ah I see she didn't tell you," Kass murmured worriedly.


"On my travels, I met a strange, hooded woman wearing a white gown. She asked me to help some friends of hers. When I asked how I would know who her friends were, she replied that I would know when I met a woman who called herself Fi."

"I see." Revali watched with interest as Urbosa's face tightened considerably. Kass was visibly unsettled by the Gerudo Champion's display of anger

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