To Wait for a Friend

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"Tis I! Prince Sidon, astride my trusty steed!" cried the young Prince from atop Link's shoulders.

"Link, you know that you are not required to act out every one of his fantasies, correct?"

"Aww, c'mon Mipha," Sidon whined. "Link has fun too, don't you Link?"

The Hylian whinnied in response while giving her a large grin.

"Prince Sidon! Get down from that miscreant's head at once!"

Link didn't wait for prodding from Sidon. As soon as he heard Muzu's voice he took off, holding on to Sidon with one hand to make sure the energetic Zora didn't fall.

"I knew that Hylian was trouble," Muzu carped as he glared at Link's retreating back.

Mipha didn't reply. No matter what she said, the Elder would begin harping her for her continued involvement with him. Her father had put an end to Muzu's attempts to forcibly remove the boy and had resorted to disciplining him publicly whenever he had the chance. Mipha found it ironic that one who was constantly criticizing the other races for their intolerance used such cheap and underhanded methods against another. Then again, her mother had often speculated that what people despised in others was often something that they despised in themselves.

"As for you, Lady Mipha, you are far too old to be spending time with such pitiful examples of- "

"Put a cork in it."

Mipha glanced beside her to find her instructor, Seggin, standing beside her.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand such matters," Muzu replied hotly.

"As a general rule," Seggin growled back, "I don't care for Hylians either. Link is an exception."

"He is no different- "

"Since the beginning of his stay, he has helped wherever he has been needed. Dento, Kapson, myself, even King Dorephan has been able to rely on him for small tasks. He does what is asked reliably and without complaint."

"That does not change the fact that he is a poor influence on the younger generation."

"Have you not noticed how many, Prince Sidon included, have taken their duties more seriously since he has come along."

"Perhaps you are just relieved that someone was able to teach your son to wield a blade," Muzu snarled back.

Mipha watched nervously as a tight-jawed Seggin thrust his face into Muzu's.

"I have no more love for his kind than you, but I will give credit where credit is due."

"That is enough, both of you." Mipha hoped her intervention would stop the conflict from escalating any further.

The two aggressors gave her a shocked look then looked back at each other. The look passed between them was far from amicable. They scoffed at each other and walked away, both too full of pride to apologize to the other.

Mipha sighed quietly. She had hoped they would reconcile themselves, but it seemed that hope was misguided.

"No matter what you may do or say, you cannot change another. Those two will either learn themselves or they will not."

"Father," Mipha nodded in greeting as the King joined her.

"I'm glad to see that you have finally dropped unnecessary formalities," Dorephan chuckled. She smiled in return as she searched for a reason for his presence. It was unlike him to be out and about during the day.

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