Divine Beast Vah Ruta

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I hope you know that I will always protect you. Relief filled her petite frame as some of the anguish in Links eyes dissipated at her words. She retracted her hand from his freshly healed arm and gazed nervously out over the waters of the East Reservoir Lake. She had brought Link to Ruta, hoping that atop the Divine Beast, she could finally ask him the question she had been meaning to for some time.

Once this whole thing is done, perhaps things can go back to how they used to be when we were young. You knowPerhaps we could spend some time together.

The Zora Champion was surprised at how confident she sounded when she suggested it. She didnt feel nearly so within as she again second guessed herself and her intent for bringing Link here. Her inner turmoil was lessened as she carefully analyzed Links face. His features seemed lighter as though a weight had been lifted. If she didnt know any better, she would have assumed that his smile wouldnt be far behind.

She knew better. It was so rarely that he smiled anymore. Even Sidon and Owen struggled to wrestle the barest tug at Links lips. She looked away to hide her dissatisfaction, choosing instead to look down at her hands that she held together.

I was thinking, Link muttered hoarsely, causing her eyes to snap back to him, about the promise I made Naydra that night. His face gave nothing away as he stared at her intently. When I go to finally meet her will you will you come with me? he finished weakly.

Mipha smiled graciously as she inclined her head. It was rare that she was able to spend any time with him anymore. The idea that maybe one day he would truly come home overjoyed her.

Link gave her a grateful nod and turned his brooding eyes back to the lake beneath them. Miphas hand unconsciously trailed the package she had brought with her. Another moment of indecision wracked her as she rushed herself to choose. She looked to her suffering friend as she attempted to make up her mind. In that brief second, where the weight of the world seemed to weigh him down, she made her choice.

She would wait once again.


Mipha had assumed that after the brief conversation, Link would be biting at the bit to return to Princess Zelda. The Hylian made no move to get up, seeming content to remain where he was. Mipha said nothing as the afternoon bled into evening, eventually fading into night. She was more than happy to spend her time in the company of a dear friend.

Mipha opened her eyes to see Links face hovering above hers. She was disoriented, not even realizing that she had collapsed. Link gently helped her into a sitting position.

You okay? he asked quietly.

I think so, she replied gratefully. In truth, her heart hurt terribly. Remembering the loss of her mother, and then reexperiencing the pain of watching Link wither away from a once vibrant child was difficult to say the least.

Link frowned at her.

I have just remembered some painful things. It will take time for them to fade away again.

He tilted his head in thought. Finally, he gave her a firm nod and stood, helping her up carefully as he did so. The Hylian Champion held onto her as she wobbled even with his support. Mipha took several deep breaths, fighting against the nausea that bubbled within her. She had suspected that entering the Divine Beast would have a negative effect on her. She hadnt expected it to be so severe though as she tried to swallow down the bile that was building in her throat.

She unsteadily assured Link that she would be all right and that he could let go. He did so, albeit unwillingly, sticking closer than he normally would.

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