The Champions' Ballad

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A/N: So, when you get to, you know, the actual Ballad, you should go to YouTube and search up Mr. Accordions Champions' Ballad (it's about three and a half minutes long)


The Blight was still recovering from its own attack, leaving the Rito Champion with an opening to retreat to Medoh's edge. Even if the machines that were waiting there had been expecting his charge, they would have been unable to hit him as he pulled his wings in, making himself as small as possible.

Revali dove over Medoh's edge, his eyes scanning for any sign of the Hylian. While Link had been blasted off the ledge, the Rito Champion was certain that he was still alive. Link had a paraglider; however, that wouldn't help him if he were unconscious or falling uncontrollably.

He caught sight of the Hylian, who was falling with his arms and legs spread out.

He pressed his wings further against his body, picking up speed as his form became more streamlined.

Link shot him a glance as he caught up to the Hylian. "I've got an idea!"

Before Revali could inquire any further, Link reached into his pouch and pulled out a massive, stone sword. He flung it as hard as he could. As the sword plunged below them, Link pulled out the Slate and pointed it at the Cobble Crusher.

The Rito Champion, suspecting that the Hylian was going to freeze the massive weapon in place, dove again so that the Hylian was above him. He felt Link land on his back as Revali landed clumsily onto the sword.

"We're cutting it close," he growled as he readied his gale. Not only would he have to create an updraft in record time, but he would have to do so with a passenger. It was too many firsts for his comfort. "Hold on!" he called as he flapped, launching high into the sky as the Cobble Crusher resumed its fall towards the ground.

He felt the familiar winds of his gale whip around him as they pushed him up. Revali was surprised at how few adjustments he had to make to accommodate Link's weight. He would have thought that adding the Hylian's weight would have made it harder to ride the updrafts upwards; however, their ascent was as smooth as the chaotic winds would allow.

"I'll distract the Blight!" Link shouted as they raced up towards Medoh. "You take its sentries!"

"I'll need another bow!"

Though the Blight had a single, mechanical eye, Revali was still under the impression that it widened as he and Link reappeared at the top of Medoh. It screeched as it raised its cannon while its diminutive, mechanical allies raced towards them.

"Get ready to go!" he called as he swooped down, staying just above the floor of Medoh's back.

"Here!" Link shoved something into his hands just before he leaped off Revali's back.

Revali looked at the bow in his hands, frowning as he noticed the sleek black and purple design. The Royal Guard's bow was supposed to be more fragile. His frown morphed into a grin as he decided that it only meant he'd have to make his shots count. He could do that. The only problem was that he only had one bomb arrow left.

Revali flew back between Link and the machines that had been barraging him earlier, drawing them away from the Hylian.

The Rito Champion thought quickly as he swerved, dove, and rolled out of the way.

He glanced quickly over to find Link holding the Blight at bay with the Master Sword and Hylian shield. Windblight screamed in frustration as it lowered its cannon and fell back down towards Link, trying to grasp the Hylian. Link sidestepped and delivered a swift cut along the Blight's arm, forcing it to withdraw quickly.

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