A Lesson in Finer Cooking

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"Are you sure there isn't anything you can do?" Daruk asked.

"I am sorry, but there is not much I can do right now," Mipha responded as she massaged her hands. "I have no experience with fireproof elixirs, and even if I did, I still wouldn't know what to use for Ritos and Hylians."

"It may not be the worst thing," Urbosa murmured thoughtfully. She knew that Daruk hated the idea of splitting up, but it was looking like there wasn't any other option. They had been warned that the path to Death Mountain was dangerously hot. So much so that everyone but Daruk would fry to death long before they reached their destination. Link was the only one who could join Daruk and that was because the same traveler who had given them the warning had sold Link fireproof elixirs.

"What do you mean?" Daruk questioned as Urbosa took another look at the map.

"Even if we can't all help with the next Divine Beast, that doesn't mean we have to sit around moping. There are still two dragons for us to track down. Two birds, one stone."

"I suppose," Daruk sighed as he began pulling at his beard.

"You three," Urbosa said as she pointed to Link, Mipha, and Revali, "we're getting an early start tomorrow. Make sure that you'll be well stocked on supplies." She motioned for Daruk to follow her away from the others as Link began pulling supplies out the satchel on his hip. "You okay, Big Guy?"

"I just hate splitting up."

"I know that, but you've fought this harder than back before we went to the Domain. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't know," Daruk muttered as he sat down. The Goron closed his eyes as he scratched at his beard for a moment. "I guess I'm just worried about what I'll find up there."

"You're nervous about getting your memories back?" Urbosa didn't really understand the fear of it herself. She had devoted serious thought as to whether or not she wanted to remember her past. She had decided that she did, no matter what she would learn.

"I never really thought about getting my memories back, but now I don't know."

"Why exactly are you worried?"

"Because I don't know what I don't know." Urbosa was surprised by his answer. Daruk, while a fine leader, usually didn't think more than a few steps ahead. The more immediate the situation, the more of his attention it received. It was the same for group matters as it was for his own personal affairs. Sometimes though, his foresight surprised her. "What?" he asked as he frowned at her.

"I suppose I'm just surprised that you've been thinking about this. You normally don't think too far ahead."

"I haven't really needed to," Daruk muttered as he scratched the side of his head. "Thinking ahead was your specialty. I mean, you're good on your feet and all, but you're way better than I am when it comes to the big picture stuff."

Urbosa tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully as she inspected the disconcerted Goron, thinking how best to approach the issue.

"So, what will you do first?" she finally asked as she set a hand on her hip.

"First? I guess we need to make it to Goron City, right?"

"Right, and where is that?"

"Just along that path?" His answer sounded more like a question as he stared at her uncertainly.

"So, follow the path to Goron City. Then what?"

"Uh we pound whatever monster Ganon put on the Divine Beast into oblivion."

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