What Lay on the Horizon

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Soft, golden eyes darted back and forth as a pair of narrowed emerald watched a pair of unconcerned, sky-blue. Mipha still struggled to figure out exactly why Revali chose such poor seating every time they played the card game they had bought back in Rito Village. Every single time, he would sit next to Link, even if it meant putting himself in an even worse situation.

This particular worse situation being Urbosa's presence on the Rito Champion's other side.

It was like he was asking for a war on two fronts.

Mipha, on the other hand, always chose to sit next to her fiance, as he refused to use any of the offensive cards he had stored up on her. She had even watched him draw cards when she knew that he had cards to play. He had purposefully lost to Revali a few times due to that.

It was rather sweet...

And it was also her best chance of winning, especially with Medli on her other side.

The Zora Champion's attention was diverted even further as she noticed a small smirk playing on Urbosa's face as the corner of Link's mouth twitched ever so slightly.

"What was that?" Revali asked irritably.


"That thing you just did with your- You just did it again!"

Link said nothing, regaining his normal stoic composure as he placed an ordinary card onto the pile.

"What are you playing at?"

"I think he's playing the same game we are," the Gerudo Champion replied, the smirk never leaving her face.

Revali grumbled incoherently as he played a card of his own.

"I don't understand this game," Daruk muttered as he stood up, moving carefully around the wooden table they had settled around so that he could sit behind Urbosa.

The Gerudo Champion played her card swiftly before collapsing her hand back into a single pile and placing them face down in front of her.

"Here." Thankfully, Medli had become more comfortable holding and placing her cards, meaning that the odds of her growing flustered and dropping all of her cards had diminished significantly. Of course, even though she no longer inadvertently revealed her cards to everyone else, she still did not have much of a head for strategy.

Mipha gave Link a long and hard look before taking her turn. "Am I going to regret this?"

Link shrugged as he reversed the order of play.

Revali said nothing as Mipha drew a card.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Medli gasped as she took her turn. "I thought I wouldn't be able to... oh dear." Medli was forced to draw as Urbosa once again reversed the order of play.

"Can I have a turn?!"


"Ya sound like children," Daruk rumbled as he watched the four play.

"That's not a terrible thing," the Gerudo Champion stated. "Sometimes, I think we're all wound just a bit too tight."

That was something Mipha could agree with. The Zora Champion knew she had been on edge for weeks nearly and had nearly broken down several times as a result. She was surprised that she hadn't cracked mentally as of yet.

"That's true." Daruk stroked his beard as Link played his card. "That one doesn't do anythin,' right?"

"Nope," Link answered.

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