Lynel Safari

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"You can't be serious."

"I am."

"Okay. Let me get this straight: you bought an elixir from a shady merchant, named Beedle for the love of Farore, and now you want to use that elixir so that you can travel to Zora's Domain?"

"That's pretty much it," Daruk replied confidently.

"Oh, for the love of- this is something that I would expect from Link, not you!"

"Calm down Revali."

"I am calm- " Revali snapped as he brought a winged hand up to his face, "but this has to be the worst idea I've heard yet."

"Glad I keep my mouth shut more often then," Daruk muttered dryly.

"I can't believe you- "

"Look," Daruk interrupted patiently, "I am just as worried about them as you are- "

"I told you I'm not worried!"

"And you're a poor liar. I told Urbosa that we would wait here for them unless an opportunity presented itself. Well, an opportunity presented itself."

"An opportunity? There is no way that elixir is safe. More than likely it will just- " Daruk listened without interrupting as the Rito continued his rant. The Goron champion found it almost humorous that even though Revali claimed to not care about him or the others, most of his arguments revolved around a variety of possible things that could happen to the Goron. "- has it even occurred to you, anywhere in that rock-filled brain of yours, that it may not even protect you. It may just prevent you from feeling ill."

"Yeah, it occurred to me but it's a risk I'm willin' to take."

"Dinsake," Revali groaned. "Fine! We'll go and put this extraordinarily ill thought out plan of yours in action. When you collapse, don't expect me to carry you out of there," he finished as he threw up his wings.

"We'll be fine."


The two continued along the trail in silence, leaving each to their own thoughts. Daruk had decided that they would have to take the longer route, rather than the shortcut straight through the Wetlands. It was too risky to travel around so many lakes and ponds. As Revali liked to point out, he would sink like the giant rock he was.

He looked over to Revali every so often. The Rito Champion was looking everywhere but at Daruk. If the Goron didn't know any better, he would have said that Revali had something weighing down on him.

"Is this really what we should be doing?" Revali asked, finally breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't we have faith that they can handle this themselves?"

"I do have faith in them. That's why we let them go on ahead without us."

"Then why are we going now?"

"Just because I have faith in them doesn't mean I wouldn't rather be there if I can."

"So, you're going to risk your well being for them?" Daruk frowned at something he heard in the Rito's voice. He couldn't quite put his finger on what the quality was. "What?"

"Nothin'. You're just acting funny again."

"I'm not. I just don't understand why you care about them so much," the Rito replied dismissively.

"Sure ya do. You've already done the same for us."


"You've stood beside us even when you don't like the decisions we make. You helped Link get into the Crynosis shrine after he got shot in the leg, and even though you won't admit it, I know you're concerned about the others. Far as I'm concerned, you're a brother," Daruk finished as he slapped Revali on the back.

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