In One's Own Time

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Urbosa thought she knew what it was to fly after using her paraglider for the first time; however, that experience paled in comparison to watching the Desert race past her as she clung to Farosh's head. To see the ground so far below her, traveling at a dizzying speed as she drew no closer to it was something that no other experience could compare to. Had she had a weaker constitution, it would have been enough to make her nauseous. Thankfully, she wasn't prone to such things.

She was starting to understand why Revali loved it so much. It was an exhilarating experience that she doubted she would ever get again. Her only real complaint was that it was in the middle of the night, making it difficult for her to grasp the majesty of the land below. Thankfully, Farosh's movements had been gentle enough to allow her to secure the Thunder Helm to her back, allowing her to hold on properly as she looked down at homeland below. She had always known the Desert was vast, but it was much larger than she had given it credit for. It was truly a shame that it was so dark.

Still, it was an incredible experience and she was almost sad to have it end as they reached Kara Kara Bazaar.

Farosh lowered his head to the ground, letting Urbosa off next to the oasis. "Thanks," she said as she climbed down the side of his head.


The Gerudo Champion straightened out her clothes as she turned to find Daruk and Revali rushing toward her.

"Hey, Big guy, no need to wake everyone up."

"What happened?" Revali asked impatiently.

"Let's worry about it later," she replied. She had no doubt that Revali had informed Daruk about the state of things when he had left. While Urbosa knew only one would willingly admit it, it was clear that both had been worried about her. "Did Medli make it back?"

"Barely," Daruk sighed. "She passed out not long after." That was a relief to hear. She hadn't been sure

"Link and Mipha?"

"Over there," Daruk replied as he gestured towards a spot a few yards off.

Despite the luster of her scales, the Gerudo Champion had trouble making the Zora Champion out in the darkness that blanketed them. "I'll be right back." Moving quickly over one of the few grassy expanses in the Desert, Urbosa was soon kneeling next to Mipha. "How is he?"

Mipha didn't respond as she continued tending to Link.

"Mipha," she called gently as she set a hand on the Zora's shoulder. She grimaced as she felt just how frigid the girl's scales were.

"Hmm?" the Zora responded absently.

"How is he?"

"His wounds are bad," she murmured quietly. "If he had gotten here much later, I'm not sure he would have made it."

"And, how are you?"

"I I don't know."

Considering how out of it she had been for the past few days, it wasn't surprising to hear.

Shadows fell over them as Daruk and Revali joined them. Even Farosh had followed, hanging over the group of heroes.

The green Dragon stared down at them for a moment before bending down and exhaling on them as his predecessors had. Urbosa felt the familiar rush of power coursing through her as the warm air rolled over them.

Farosh leaned back when he was finished and studied them. Eventually, he leaned down so that he could look Urbosa in the eye. Urbosa wished Medli was there as she returned Farosh's steady gaze. Whatever moment she and the Dragon were supposed to be having was lost on her, and she doubted there was any way for Farosh to adequately communicate what he was thinking without a translator.

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