The Trial of the Sword

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The Rito Champion paced back and forth irritably, stopping only to send a glance toward Link's inert form. Once he confirmed that the Hylian Champion had not moved an inch since the last time he checked, he tried to shake off his frustration before taking back up his pacing.

A little ways off, he could hear Mipha and Urbosa quietly chatting about something. A part of him yearned to be a part of their conversation. Even the thought of Urbosa's teasing was a welcome change to wandering back and forth as his mind tried to account for every possible thing that could go wrong. The question was, how was he supposed to join the conversation? The problem was made worse when he considered the fact that they were likely discussing the current situation.

Either that or they would be discussing wedding planning.

Revali stopped in his tracks as the thought crossed his mind. Where exactly had that come from? And why was he suddenly more interested in trying to join in on the conversation? He shook his head, trying to dispel the thought before once again resuming his attempts to wear a path in the middle of the grove.

He absolutely would not get involved with weddings or their planning. Even the thought of potentially having one of his own and being involved in the preparations was a headache. Trying to match colors, fine decorations, seating, and the festivities as well sounded like something that would make him ill for weeks. Of course, if he was asked...

No, better to stop that line of thought now. He didn't need the extra stress.

It wasn't often he found himself wishing that Daruk would choose that time to randomly check in on him. Of course, the Goron Champion had wandered off to find some rock or another to eat and Medli, being excited to see everything she could in the short time they had, had followed after Daruk eagerly.

So, Revali remained stuck inside his head, trying and failing to find some way that he could intervene. He still wasn't sure where he stood in regards to working with the Hylian Champion. On one hand, he still struggled to think of Link as a friend. On the other, he had a growing respect for his fellow Champion's work ethic and determination to improve. Training with him had shown Revali just how far he was willing to go. One day, they had been practicing with a bow for so long that their fingers had bled.

It was certainly enough to convince him to reconsider some of his opinions on his ally. He had always thought that the Hylian Champion had simply been born with talent and had never had to strive for anything. While Link was certainly talented, able to pick up on Revali's pointers and implement them quickly, he did indeed put in the work.

It was certainly respectable.

Regardless of how good Link may have been, that didn't change the fact that Revali was still aggravated by his inability to do anything. Whatever this "trial" involved, he was certain that the Hylian Champion would need help in handling it. Every major battle they had faced thus far would have been impossible if they'd been fighting by themselves. Granted, Ganon had likely designed the blights to kill each respective pilot. If the trial had been designed specifically with the hero in mind, that meant that he was intended to succeed, right?

It made sense for that to be the case but, even so, it left him restless knowing there was a battle to fight that he could not be a part of. And restlessness led to irritability.

So, he continued pacing back and forth. He'd already sorted through his arrows and counted them, then he'd taken the time to care for his blade as Link had shown him. Now, all that was left was for him to be alone with his thoughts.

"Is there a reason that you're stalking around, pouting?"

The Rito Champion turned around sharply. Urbosa had somehow left Mipha's side and approached him without his knowing. "I'm not pouting." Now that he was talking to her, the events of the day before were rushing back to him. Now, he wanted nothing more than to get her back, but how? He hadn't had the time to come up with anything good, especially since Link and Mipha had forbidden him from using arrows.

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