Chapter 15: The Pit

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"People who fit don't seek. The seekers are those that don't fit." Shannon L Adler


Ellen froze when she saw a figure out of the corner of her eyes. She felt the hair on her arm raise.

Negan noticed her staring into the trees, her eyes locked on something far away. "See something?" he asked quietly.

Ellen blinked, and turned to glance at the man. "Just a... rabbit."

Negan's eyes widened when he noticed blood trickling down the woman's nose. He pointed at her face. "You're bleeding. You okay?"

Ellen looked at the man's concerned face cautiously before wiping her nose on her sleeve. She frowned at the crimson that stained her shirt, before narrowing her eyes, scanning the treeline. "I'm fine," she growled.

"Hey, Jon's just a kid. He panicked," Negan said after a moment.

"If he's a kid, he shouldn't be out here to begin with. He could've gotten us all killed."

Negan nodded, actually appreciating her criticism. "That's fucking fair. So I..."

Ellen met the man's eyes for a second, before distractedly looking past him and zoning out again, focusing instead on the figure that stood at the edge of the surrounding forest.

"Earth to Eleanor," Negan said, noticing her wandering attention, waving a hand in front of her face.

She blinked again, and returned a frown at the man when he turned to watch the trees, trying to see what she was looking at. Ellen gazed at the figure watching her, before wiping another trail of blood from her nose.

"Hey, look, there's something I need to do," she suddenly said to the man. "Something important."

Negan raised a brow.

"It's a... white rabbit. Uh, you know, Alice... Neo... Not sure you'd understand," Ellen said sheepishly, rubbing her gloved hand against the back of her neck.

"You already have a mission here."

Ellen grinned back at the man. "True, but you can get these guys back. You don't need me to hold your--"

Ellen grit her teeth as the figure turned and ran into the woods. "Shitballs," she muttered.

"Who do you see?"

Ellen felt the muscles in her body tug at her, urging her towards the trees. She started walking past Negan, clenching her teeth when the man roughly gripped her shoulder.

"Hey, don't be fucking rude. What is it?"

Ellen shook her head and brushed his hand off. "I don't have time. I'll explain when I get back," she managed, calling behind her, before diving into the brush and frantically chasing her rabbit down.


Ellen had been outside the Sanctuary walls for two days on her own, spending the previous night on the road, tirelessly following the trail her rabbit had laid out before her.

She slowed to a halt when the trail grew cold outside an abandoned elementary school.

Overhead, grey clouds had begun rolling in, providing a gentle breeze and cover from the harsh Virginian sun.

Ellen cautiously continued onward, drawing her machete and pistol, holding them at the ready as she entered the building.

The first thing she was met with upon entering the school was the overwhelming stench of death and decay. Ellen buried her nose into the crook of her elbow, retching at the foul odor.

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