Chapter 18: Kill the Beast

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"We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged." Heinrich Heine


The light blinded Ellen as she slowly opened an eye, the fresh scar providing only a narrow sliver for her to look through. She shakily lifted a hand to block out the harsh light.

Her head pounded, her entire body ached.

She heard footsteps and voices from somewhere close, but couldn't lift her head to see who they belonged to.

After a few moments, Carson looked down at her. It took Ellen a moment to focus on his face, his features slowly sharpening in her view.

"Doc, what happened?" she finally managed to croak.

Carson looked at her grimly. "Ellen, you were... attacked. You've been out for a couple of weeks. You have a mild concussion, a broken rib..."

Ellen stared at him blankly, her eyelids growing heavier by the minute. She forced herself to reopen them. "Carson..." she mumbled after a minute, confused. "What happened?"

Carson looked back at her wordlessly, an alarmed expression on his face, before the woman fell back into a slumber.


"Carson! She's waking up!"

Ellen felt a hand on her arm. She slowly forced her eye open, before tiredly swatting the hand away. "Don't... don't touch me," she mumbled.

Laura looked at her from where she was seated on the bed beside her, a hurt expression on her face. "I'm glad you're okay."

Ellen met the woman's eyes through her narrowed slit, a frown on her face. She flinched when she sensed a movement on her blindside.

"It's just me, Ellen. You're in good hands here," Carson said, raising his hands up cautiously. "You've been out for two weeks. You woke up yesterday, but passed out."

Ellen continued to frown at the pair that was looking at her, almost like they expected her to do or say something.

"El, somebody did this to you..." Laura started, her voice low.

"Stop," Ellen cut her off, her voice hoarse.

She grit her teeth and clenched her eye shut, rubbing her neck, feeling a phantom pain, her memory of that night slowly coming back to her. A sudden and helpless wave of humiliation washed over her, threatening to drown her. "You can go."

Laura protested. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't want you to see me like this."

Laura snorted. "El, it's okay. I'm here--"

"It's over. I'm done."

Laura blinked. "What--"

Ellen closed her scarred eye, before slowly opening it again. "We're done. You and me, this is over. Get out."

Laura got up and looked angry. "You're just saying that because you were--" Laura stopped herself, her fists clenched. "You don't mean that."

Ellen looked away, her eye moving towards the window, watching clouds roll by.


Ellen ignored the woman until she took the hint and exited the room in a fit of emotions.

She didn't say anything as Carson ran tests on her, before slowly returning to sleep.


The next time Ellen woke up, she was alone.

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