Chapter 10: See No Evil

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"See no evil, where none is meant.

Judge not the act, but the intent."


"The fuck you looking at, shrimp dick?"

Ellen said with a scowl.

The man looked at her with wide eyes, before nervously averting his gaze.

Ellen narrowed her eyes at him. He was younger than her, with warm brown skin and short hair. He pushed his glasses higher up his nose and adjusted the satchel and gun that rested on his shoulders.

The two sat across from each other in awkward silence, sitting together in the back of a truck as it rolled down the street, following a few more vehicles ahead of them.

To her surprise, the trucks rolled to a halt outside a run down hospital. The parking lot was teeming with walkers. With a frown, she could only imagine what the inside would look like.

Doors slammed as the other Saviors began getting out of their vehicles, the noise already drawing the attention of nearby walkers. Ellen rolled her eyes.

She let some of the other men handle dispatching the undead that grew too close, and followed the group slowly, listening to the instructions the team leader gave.

"We split off into groups of two. Everybody has a walkie. Stay close, this place is gonna be crawling. Start on the ground floor, and we'll empty what we can as we work our way up. Got it boys?"

The men all barked back their approval in unison.

Ellen just curled her lip as the group of about twenty men trudged loudly through the parking lot, passing makeshift medical tents that had long since been abandoned. Dozens of bodies laid on the pavement, hidden under white linen.

"Newbies!" the team leader yelled back as the other Saviors passed him, slowing his pace to match hers and her partner. "You two are with me. I want to make sure you don't fuck this mission up."

"Seems like you're already doing a good enough job," Ellen muttered.

All of her senses, both supernatural and completely normal, screamed at her. She felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck at the thought of the entire mission.

"The fuck did you just say to me, recruit?"

Ellen glared at the man. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with large, rippling muscles that showed through his tight t-shirt. The way he spoke suggested he'd had military or combat training before the outbreak. She had forgotten his name, it was probably something douchey.

"Just don't get us killed," she hissed at him.

The man glared back at her, and the trio continued in tense silence behind the rest of the group.

Ellen was the last to enter the hospital, and she closed the door behind the group. Taking a moment to stop, she pulled her glove off, touching the door handle.

She felt a pang of dread seep down her spine at what she saw.


The trio worked their way through one of the hospital wings. Harsh lights buzzed and flickered overhead, while pipes dripped and creaked after years of disservice and disrepair.

The place looked like a warzone, blood spattered on the walls, and half-eaten bodies lying in rot down every turn. Flies still swarmed the halls, the buzzing breaking through the eerie quiet. Dozens of walkers shuffled through the halls, eagerly looking for their next meal. Ellen grimaced at the sights and smells that awaited them.

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