Chapter 39: The Lost Years

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"You may delay, but time will not." Benjamin Franklin

(In an effort to stop an approaching horde of walkers, Rick blows up the bridge the communities had been building, sacrificing himself in the process.

In the show, we witness a 6 year time skip, following the "death of Rick Grimes.")

Year 1

The man's boots crunched along the forest floor as he worked his way up the steep slope, covered by fallen leaf litter and branches.

The man sighed once he reached the familiar clearing, almost afraid of what the outcome of this visit would be, and he was surprised to find vines and overgrown tendrils climbing the walls of the greenhouse. He approached the unkempt building cautiously, noting that there were no vehicles parked nearby either.

The man stopped, peeling a note off the door and quickly unfolding the piece of worn paper to read the hastily scrawled handwriting.

"To whom it may concern,

Gone to NOLA. Not sure when I'm coming back.

If you're feeling frisky, water my plants.

Daryl, if this is you, go fuck yourself."

With a frown, the man folded his own letter, before sliding it into the plastic behind the other note.

The man crouched down, picking up a rock and pulling out the key hidden underneath. He headed inside to water the woman's plants.

Year 2

"Just a few more steps," Aaron said with a grunt.

"Right here's good," Daryl agreed.

The trio of men gently lowered the huge instrument onto the ground, before stepping back to admire their work.

"Yeah, looks great. She's gonna love it," Jesus said with a grin, wiping his hands free of dust.

Aaron took a moment to look around the interior of the greenhouse, wide-eyed with awe. "Wow, now I get why she never wanted to leave this place."

Jesus stood next to him, smiling in agreement. "For sure. You know when she's getting back?"

Daryl shook his head. "Nah. Don't even know if she's comin' back."

Jesus rested a reassuring hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey, chin up. She'll come around."

"Love always finds a way," Aaron agreed.

After a little while, Jesus and Aaron left, leaving Daryl behind to sit on the bench beside the new piano.

The man sat forward, before burying his head in his hands.

Year 3

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