Chapter 61: Lines We Cross

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"We fight for our future. We don't fight for revenge." Daryl Dixon

The woman moved fast, and the battle was over in the blink of an eye.

She dodged the man's outstretched bat by swiftly ducking, before discarding her own, instinctively trading Widowmaker in for a serrated knife she'd kept strapped to her thigh.

Negan grunted upon impact, and Ellen snarled as the knife met its mark deep in the side of the man's neck.

She gripped Negan's leather jacket to hold the man steady while blood poured from the wound and he looked back at her, shock apparent in his dark eyes.


For a moment, Ellen felt time freeze. Her blood ran red hot while at the same time an icy claw took a hold of her veins. The result was a bitter, sharp puff as she exhaled the breath she didn't know she'd been holding in.

She stood across from the man, who was still braced for the fight.

"Get out of my way," the woman warned.

"You're not fucking this up for me," Negan growled back, with just as much venom in his low voice.

Ellen couldn't remember the last time she'd truly squared off with the man, and the slightest hint of a grin twitched across her face.

The tension was electric, palpable like lightning in the air, and the two were both immovable objects, itching for a challenge.

"Ellen," Negan said, his voice quiet. "Get out o–"

Ellen interrupted the man with a yell, taking the first swing as Widowmaker came crashing down.

Negan lurched backwards, before retaliating, swinging Lucille like he was hitting a baseball as it was sent flying in his direction. Ellen grit her teeth as she narrowly dodged the bat that whizzed by her with bone-breaking force.

The duo circled each other, eyes watchful for their opponent's next move.

There was a lingering voice, ringing on Ellen's shoulder, a whisper of caution in her ear as she swung again, aiming for Negan's head. Ellen briefly thought of the knife wound in her abdomen and the scar tissue that had been left behind, all those years ago. The reminder of her close brush with death only propelled her further towards violence, and her attacks became increasingly feral.

Negan let out a snarl as one of Widowmaker's stray nails caught his bicep, tearing through his leather jacket.

The man saw his opportunity as Ellen was winding back up to take another swing, and he quickly traded Lucille in for his Bowie knife.

Before Ellen could bring Widowmaker down, Negan barreled into the woman, flinging both of them to the ground.

He yelled as he plunged the knife downwards with a ferocious momentum, directly at her skull.

Ellen screamed in agony as Negan's knife sunk into her hand, and she roared as she shakily held the man off, inches away from her cheek.

Blood seeped from Negan's knife onto Ellen's face in a steady stream and Ellen drew out a shaky breath as she struggled to push the man back.

Negan's dark eyes were smoldering, fiery with a venomous rage burning inside. Beneath the skin mask, Ellen could see tears rim his eyes as he strained to regain control of the Bowie knife.

"I can't believe... you're helping her," Ellen seethed through grit teeth.

"This isn't... your fight," Negan growled back at her, still struggling.

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