Chapter 47: Public Enemy

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"Forgetting about our mistakes and our wounds isn't enough to make them disappear."
― Ai Yazawa

Before leaving, Ellen stood on the stoop, finishing her cigarette. She turned when she heard the door open and close behind her after a minute, surprised to see Negan walking out.

He strode over to stand beside her, and the two sat down in silence, watching as passing Alexandrians went about their daily activities. Ellen wordlessly offered the man a cigarette, which he turned down.

An unresolved edge lingered in the air around the pair like the calm before a lightning storm.

"I'm just finishing my cigarette," she finally said, cross.

"Waiting for the peanut gallery to decide my fate," Negan stated quietly in response.

Ellen sucked on her cigarette. "Ah, democracy," she muttered after blowing a smoke ring, looking over at him.

Beside her, Negan just nodded. "Tough crowd, huh?"

Ellen just curled her lip.

"Not even a goddamn pizza party."

"You sure you're gonna be okay here?"

Negan nodded and met her eyes, his own dark ones twinkling. "You're really taking a leap for me."

"I'm just telling the truth."

"But you've always been there for me. Remember Randy?"

"You know I'd die for the people I love Negan," Ellen said simply, getting to her feet.

"I have a feeling they might not return the favor," Negan said, nodding back at the building, where he awaited to hear his fate.

"I'm not talking about them."

Negan blinked at the woman, a slow realization dawning on his face when he processed what she was saying.

"El..." Negan managed, and the two made eye contact for what seemed to last a lifetime.

"I didn't do it for you."

Negan looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

Ellen sighed and pulled her cigarette from her lips. "You were a good leader. Your people looked up to you and you kept them safe. Randy was a moron that would have gotten them all killed. The choice was simple... Just like it is now."

Then, the door behind them opened again. Michonne stepped out, followed by the rest of the panel. Michonne met Ellen's eyes and a frown fell over her face.

"Thought you were leaving," Michonne finally growled.

At that, Ellen flicked her cigarette to the cement beneath her feet, rubbing it into the ground with her boot. She rubbed her nose, discreetly flipping the woman off with the same hand, before turning away.

"We're locking you back up," Michonne stated to Negan. "You're still dangerous."

Ellen stopped walking, feeling her blood boil at the verdict.

Michonne noticed.

"Y'know what your problem is? You haven't been laid in awhile," Ellen slowly goaded.

Michonne stalked past Negan, starting down the steps.

Behind her, Daryl sighed, moving to stop her once again, before Negan interjected, shaking his head at Daryl.

"You talk too much," Michonne snapped, pulling her katana out.

Ellen turned around, grinning when she saw Michonne with her sword drawn.

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