Chapter 11: Wolf Among Sheep

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"Make yourself a sheep and the wolf will eat you." –German Proverb


Ellen never felt more alive as she trudged through the forest in the direction of the Sanctuary, stopping only to kill any creepers that stood in her way. Adrenaline coursed through her body, keeping her alert and on edge the entire way.

Ellen struggled with the young man's dead weight draped over her shoulders and the heavy bags filled with medical supplies as she tore through the thicket, following the road as best as she could in the darkness.

Donald had passed out awhile ago, and Ellen was nervous that he'd turn at any moment, convinced he'd already died from blood loss a few hours ago. She felt sorry for the kid, but she knew she'd had to cut the bite wound off and the only way he could survive that was to take the entire goddamn leg.

She knew it was his only chance.

By now the sun had sunk below the trees a few hours ago, and Ellen was mainly using the markings on the road to guide her way back.

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the Sanctuary's tower in the distance.


She yelled at the guards up top the fence to let her in, and she struggled through the courtyard before working her way inside to get Donald to Carson's office.

"Com'n Don, we're almost there," she panted as she worked her way up a flight of stairs.

Carson looked up in shock when Ellen entered the room, before roughly setting Donald down into a bed. After laying him back, she dropped two bags onto the ground next to the bed.

"Doc, you gotta patch him up. He was bit, I chopped off his leg to stop the spread."

Carson looked at her wide-eyed, before nodding and immediately going to work. "How long has he been unconscious?"

Ellen shook her head. "Three or four hours, I lost track. Is he still alive?"

Carson checked the man for a pulse. "Yes, but just barely. He's lost a lot of blood. I have to make sure the infection didn't spread."

Carson asked her to pass him different materials and the two worked together to get him patched up.

"You, you're that new girl that keeps getting into trouble," Carson stated after a while, looking up from what he was doing to meet her eyes. "You're the talk of the town."

Ellen frowned at him and Carson noticed how tired she looked.

"I'm almost done here. I'll clean you up in a second," he said.

After a few minutes, Carson set to work wiping a few cuts and scrapes on Ellen's forehead. She must've gotten them while she was bushwhacking through the woods, she thought, wincing as he disinfected the cuts.

"You seem tough as nails, if my humble opinion counts for anything," he said kindly.

Ellen smirked at the older man. "Nah, I'm tougher."

"Shit, look at you! Randy told me you didn't make it! But here you fucking are, full of surprises."

Ellen curled her lip at the familiar voice.

Carson stopped what he was doing, before getting on his knees as Negan stalked past him.

Negan crouched down so he was eye level with the woman, his face dark. He took in her blood-soaked figure coldly.

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