Chapter 25: All the King's Men

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(Alexandria goes to war.)

"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." J.R.R. Tolkien

The woman cracked her knuckles with a scowl, before tossing a knife through the air, watching as it embedded itself in the target and hit its mark.

"Still got it," she said with a smirk.

A wide array of freshly sharpened knives rested side by side on her workbench. Ellen had spent the morning gearing up for a fight, and her bones itched to spill some blood, be it walker or human.

It had been a few weeks since Eleanor had been in the clutches of the Saviors, hanging by chains and receiving daily beatings.

She'd returned to the Fort once she'd been patched up enough to do so, a few days after Carol arrived to talk some sense into Ezekiel, and was hard at work building a new weapon, one she was saving for a special someone.


Needless to say, in that moment, things were looking pretty bleak for Rick Grimes and the other Alexandrians.

Their attempted ambush with the explosives they'd pulled from off some cars beyond the walls didn't go as anticipated, with dozens of moving cogs in the machine to ensure that.

In a shocking turn of events, Eugene had gone full blown Benedict Arnold; Sasha had sacrificed herself in a last ditch attempt to help her friends; and the Scavengers, whom Rick had enlisted to help turn the tides of war, had also switched sides.

Now, the man sat, bruised but not broken, on his knees in a field within the town's walls, while gunfire and chaos ensued all around.

Beside him, Carl was also on his knees, a defiant scowl plastered on the boy's features. 

"You're not gonna win," he growled, glaring up at Negan as the man paced in a circle around them.

"Carl, it is over. Why don't you use your one good ball and take a look around you," Negan said with a chuckle. After all the bullshit, he found himself impressed by the guts the kid still had.

Far off in the distance, a sudden scream split through the air.

Rick looked up, horrified when he saw a woman being thrown from a balcony.

"Oh shit! You just lost somebody important to you, like just now! Talk about timing!" Negan noted, feeling delight as he rubbed it in Rick's face, soaking up the other man's despair with a shit eating grin.

"Well Rick, you chose this. And I don't know what more of a warning I coulda given you... Now this? This is a punishment. I'm gonna kill Carl now."

"I'm gonna do it in one nice, hard swing, gonna try to do it in one because I like him."

A tear rolled down Rick's cheek as he watched the man, who brought his face in close.

"...I'm gonna kill Carl, and then Lucille here is gonna take your hands."

"You can do it right in front of me, you can take my hands. I told you already, I'm gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. You're all already dead," Rick said evenly, not backing down.

"Damn," Negan said with a surprised smile. "Wow Rick... Okay... You said I could do it!"

At that, Negan wasted no more time on words. He hoisted Lucille above his head as he stood behind Carl, ready to bring the bat crashing down.

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