Chapter 16: Skeletons

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TW: This chapter deals with assault. Proceed with caution.

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds." Laurell K Hamilton


"You look like shit."

Ellen painfully lifted her head, one of her eyes closed shut, blackened and bruised. Her arms were still bound in chains, hoisted above her head. She frowned and her good eye quickly met the ground.

"Why'd you do it?"

Ellen grit her teeth and avoided the woman's gaze.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm not good enough for a goodbye, so why would I be good enough for you to look me in the fucking eyes?"

"You wouldn't understand," Ellen croaked.

"I was there for you! All I got was a letter. A fucking letter."

Ellen squeezed her eyes shut, wincing at the pain it caused.

"So that's it huh? I get nothing. Fuck you. You're gonna get everything that's coming to you."

In a haze, Ellen watched in glum silence as Laura stalked out of the room and slammed the cell door behind her.



Ellen laughed as she laid Laura out onto the ground in front of her. "Oh come on, is that all you got?"

Ellen waited for the other woman to recover and get back to her feet. The two circled each other, both breathing hard. Laura wiped a loose strand of blonde hair from her forehead with a hand wrapped in bandages for sparring.

The two practiced out in the courtyard. The afternoon sun provided some warmth as the days began to grow colder. Ellen welcomed its heat, feeling soothing on her sore arms.

A couple of passing Saviors cheered the women on, encouraging a cat fight.

Ellen waited as Laura lunged towards her again, this time sidestepping and propelling the woman past her with a rough shove. Planting her feet firmly, she quickly tripped the woman, knocking her to the ground again with ease.

Laura panted and shook her head, looking up at Ellen with a defeated grin. "Alright, it's decided. You win."

Ellen frowned, extending a gloved hand to help pull her to her feet. "You can't just give up like that. You've gotta be able to protect yourself. If I was some macho guy twice your size, you'd be dead by now."

With a dismissive laugh, Laura pulled her down onto the ground beside her. "Well it's a good thing you're not some macho guy then, isn't it?"

Ellen shoved her. "You're not taking this seriously."

Laura looked over at her and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, we're gonna be just fine. Against you and me, there isn't a man alive who stands a chance."

Ellen grinned and grabbed a bottle of water, taking a long swig. "I mean, you aren't wrong."


Ellen grit her teeth, the muscles in her arm rippling as she applied more force.

The man across from her gripped her hand tightly and the two were locked together in a death match, grappling for the upperhand.

With a yell, Ellen finally managed to slam the man's hand onto the table.

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