Chapter 37: I Put a Spell On You

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"The safest road to Hell is the gradual one, the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts." CS Lewis

1 Year After the Events of All Out War.

(The communities now live together in peace, although the relationship with the former Saviors is still tense. After a rainstorm washed away some infrastructure, Rick and Eugene lead the efforts to repair a bridge between the communities to make trade easier.)

"You don't tug on Superman's cape,

You don't spit into the wind,

You don't steal the mask off that old Lone Ranger,

And you don't mess around with Jim."

Ellen paused from singing for a minute to narrow her eyes at the road ahead of her, slowing the vehicle to a halt.

The woman reached over to the map that lay across the seat beside her and snatched it up, running a gloved finger across its markings.

In front of her, a large mob of people had formed on the bridge and it looked like the structure was being repaired.

Setting the map back down, the woman put the vehicle in park and slipped down from the driver's side seat, heading to see what the commotion was all about.

In front of her, the crowd seemed to part for her once they slowly recognized who she was.

Ellen raised a brow at the two men brutally fighting in front of her, until she realized who one of them was.

She watched as Daryl took a punch to the face, and the man spit blood.

Feeling her blood boil, the woman started forward, cracking her knuckles.

"I know for a fact you did not just punch my man in the face," she yelled, her booming voice ringing out across the bridge.

The two men slowed their fighting for a minute, panting, still glaring at each other.

The Savior turned to look at her, watching her stalk over to the fight. "Look, this has got nothing to do with you. Leave this to the men, alright princess?"

Ellen tilted her head to the side, an amused expression on her face as she walked over to the man.

Beside her, Daryl panted, his eyes still frenzied.

The Savior looked down at her. "Did you hear me, sweetie? Beat it."

Ellen grinned. "I'm just having fun listening to you dig your own grave."

"Fuck did you just say to me? Y'know, you could be putting that mouth to better--"

Ellen kicked the man in the groin at that, with a gleeful grin, sending him to his knees.

"I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don't know who I am. Because if you did, you'd know better than to cross me."

While the man was on his knees, Ellen kicked upwards again, catching him in the jaw.

"First, don't fuck with my man. Second, I pick my teeth with Savior bones. Third, don't be a dick to women. Kapeesh?"

The man got to his feet with a snarl and lunged for her, but Ellen sidestepped, before gripping the back of his shirt and throwing the man into the railing.

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