Chapter 30: Blame it on Me

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"We've all got both light and dark inside us

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"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on... That's who we really are." JK Rowling

Daryl & Co head to the Sanctuary against Rick's wishes, to drive a truck into the factory's walls and flood them with the dead. After a struggle, the Saviors are finally free from their imprisonment and are able to escape.)

Earlier that day, Daryl had left with a small group of Alexandrians on a mission.

Ellen stayed behind, using the time to recuperate and see the new doctor, Siddiq, a man Carl had brought to the town the day before. Ellen secretly used the time to keep an eye on Carl too, but the kid didn't seem to be showing signs of leaving anytime soon.

In fact, he seemed to stay holed up in his room the entirety of the day, except when he would sit out on the porch or go for strolls with Judith. He seemed happy, he seemed calm, despite the threat of war looming on the horizon.

She watched him from a distance, wondering if he seemed paler than usual or if it was just the medications playing tricks on her mind.

"Be glad you didn't break anything. That must've been a really nice vest you were wearing, especially getting shot from that close of a distance," Siddiq commented, allowing the woman to pull her shirt back down.

Ellen grinned at the man. "Sounds to me like you're telling me I'm bulletproof, huh doc?"

Siddiq let her go with an eye roll and a warning to take it easy.

A warning she didn't intend on following.


Under the cover of nightfall, Ellen worked quickly, moving like a silent shadow. She knew the layouts of the building, every corner, every darkened nook and cranny like the back of her palm.

As much as she wanted to spill blood, she knew this was a stealth mission.

A smirk crept across her face as she reached the room she'd been looking for.


Eugene stepped out of Carson's office late that evening, hoping his discretions would go unnoticed.

Or, even if they were noticed, he hoped he'd be able to fend off whatever interrogations awaited.

The man froze when he almost collided with a woman.

He assessed her quickly; both her stature, which looked rather mean and uncompromising, as well as the ornaments she had collected that were now dangling from her side. His eyes rested on a particularly menacing machete that glistened in the gloom.

Without hesitation, the man immediately threw his arms up in surrender. Whoever the woman was, she was to be treated as a threat.

"You... you were there..." the woman's voice said, slowly, like she was analyzing him just as intently.

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