Chapter 38: Something To Fear

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"You can't change anything unless you can discard part of yourself too. To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity." Hajime Isayama

Negan rested his legs up on the cot across from him with a sigh. He spent his days looking through the barred window above him, trying futilely to get a glimpse of the sky or the people walking by outside.

Occasionally, people would pass the window and their voices would carry down into his cell, updating him with the mundane and trivial reports of the goings on around town. But for the most part, his days passed by uneventful.

He was just about to recount the bricks in the wall for the hundredth time when the door above suddenly slammed open and he heard a loud commotion, people screaming.

He perked up curiously in his cell, sitting forward.

His eyes widened when suddenly, two people were sent tumbling down the stairs, locked together in a death grip.

The two people grunted as they hit the floor, a tangle of legs and black clothes, before one of them struggled to their feet, panting and chest heaving.

Negan watched with a raised eyebrow as the person began kicking the other one on the ground as they tried to recover from their tumble down the stairs.

"Where's your God now?" Kick.

"Huh Gabe?" Another kick.

Negan's eyes widened and he got up, walking towards the bars to get a closer look.

The other person crouched down, gripping the priest's robes in their fists. "Give me the fucking keys, you spineless, dickless sack of shit!"

Gabriel struggled beneath the person, grunting when they punched him. "No," he wheezed.

Outside the window, Negan heard voices yelling and footsteps approaching, pounding over the ground above.

"Where is she?"

"Down there! She's gone crazy, man!"

In front of him, the figure continued punching Gabriel. "Then I'll fucking rip your heart out and pry them from your cold--" Punch. "--Dead--" Punch. "Body!"

After a minute, Negan watched as the figure fished around in the unconscious man's pockets till they found the keys to his cell.

He smiled, expecting one of his Saviors attempting a rescue.

His smile dissipated immediately when he realized just how wrong he was.

His heart sank, before he felt it beat quicker, a cold chill seeping down his spine. His throat dried up, and he took a step away from the bars.

Like seeing a ghost.

"They told me you were dead."

"I... thought the same thing about you."

"You will be," Ellen said with a snarl, her eyes blazing at him.

Out of his peripheral, Negan noticed a woman slinking down the stairs behind Ellen.

"Life in a cage sucks... I guess you would know a thing or two about that, huh?" the man said evenly.

He didn't take his eyes off of Ellen, who had reached the lock and was twisting the key, afraid that may tip her off.

But before she could open the door, Ellen grit her teeth and stopped, looking down. The woman sucked in a deep breath.

"You really don't want to piss me off right now," she warned, her voice a low growl.

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