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jungkook took pride in himself for taking calculated decisions throughout his life. he knew what is right, what is wrong, what his actions might lead to and what decisions would benefit him.

but right now he is apprehensive.

sure jungkook always dreamed of a mate, someone who will aid him when he becomes the pack alpha. someone nurturing and brilliant to care for the pack and be the luna.

but right now he feels like every rational part of him is clouded. his every movement is acted upon by his alpha nature, something primal seering inside of him everytime he lay eyes on the omega of kim pack.

he knew the omega didnt want any of it, let alone be jungkook's mate. but he tells himself being mated to him wouldn't be as bad as getting mated to one of those assholes or worse, getting killed.

and now with that beauty writhing infront him, the omega pheromones beckoning him to breed and claim the omega, the last part of jungkook's sensibility is long gone.

jungkook took his time drinking in every part of taehyung.
dressed in only a thin short robe laying on jungkooks bed, lush lips pleading the alpha to touch him, taehyung was indeed a sight.

jungkooks eyes raked through taehyung's neck down to the exposed skin of his chest where one side of the robe slipped off his shoulder. his eyes strayed a bit on the dark, perked bud before moving down, the curve of taehyungs waist visible through the thin robe.
jungkook sucked in a breath at the sight of plump thighs, the upper part coated with slick teasing him underneath the robe.

jungkook wished he could unravel the omega infront of him and that the other was not in the frenzy of an induced heat.

not wanting the omega to be in more pain and surrendering to his inner alpha, jungkook hovered over taehyung- pecking his lips, grazing his teeth by the collarbones, teasing one of his nipple with his tongue all the while his fingers worked inside stretching the omegas hole.

Lowering his pants just enough to take his cock out, jungkook quickly stroked it to full hardness. He held the omegas hips and guided the tip in one quick thrust making the other mewl and go limp under him having finally gotten what he wanted.

jungkook went slow and deep at first, relishing in the way taehyung's breath hitched, the way his body arched off the bed with every thrust. his hands wandered below the robe, across taehyungs thighs, thin waist, tummy, taking in all of the soft skin.

soon he got lost in the pleasure. bracing himself on bed on his hands and his hips meeting taehyungs ass as he thrusted hard.
taehyung was so wet and responsive for him, a blabbering mess. taehyung went still as jungkook mouthed on his neck- shuddering, moans getting higher as an orgasm wrecked through him, but his cock still hard.

jungkook didnt slow down chasing his own pleasure. As the pressure in his stomach increased, he gripped taehyungs hips hard and growled, irises glowing red. The omega under him went still submitting to the alpha. at the next thrust, jungkook bite onto the omega's neck, the omega crying out in pleasure and pain as he came again.

jungkook licked the two puncture wounds clean and gasped at the feeling slowly filling his chest. his knot grew inside the omega locking both of them together as jungkook regained his breath.

his mind still floating in a strange euphoria, jungkook looked at his now mate unconsious and sated under him.

hair spread like a halo around him, lips swollen and tanned skin glistening with sweat, jungkook thought the latter looked more beautiful like this.

as his eyes took in the mating mark, angry red and swollen on taehyungs neck, a sense of protectiveness filled him. at that moment he dreaded whats awaiting for him and how his life is going to change.


taehyung dreamed of vast lush fertile lands, blue skies, happy families and a black wolf amidst of all. he felt the warmth of cedar, something that felt strangely like home.

the first time taehyung opened his eyes it was bright, too irritating. tired and not wanting to move, he fell again into the sleep slowly invading his eyes.

the next time he woke up it was dark. taehyung felt a bit more coherent as he moved his head to side trying to take in the surroundings. he felt disconnected and confused as he slowly sat up, entire body protesting in pain.

taehyung felt bandages on his ankle and the soft fabric of shirt and pants he is wearing feels warm.

he couldn't see much of the room. he tried to crane his neck to look at a window at the farther side of room but then a seering pain went through his neck.

his hands instinctively shot up to his neck, palms feeling two bumps there. But what shocked him is, all sorts of emotions that hit him right that moment.

taehyung gasped, suddenly feeling light headed. all the memories assaulted his brain.

his pack, the attack, the punishment, a mate... jungkook.

Suddenly he couldn't breathe.

"no th-this isnt real" he muttered to himself as he gripped his hair.

no matter how much he tried he couldn't remember anything after he lost consciousness.

taehyung felt hurt and violated.

he gasped and cried, scratching hard on the mating mark ignoring the pain filling his chest.

right then the door of the room opened frantically.

in the dark he couldn't make out the person but the cedar scent and the mating mark burning was more than enough for him to realise who it is.

taehyung gasped in a breath and stood up on shaking legs.

the silhouette by the door took a step, with a small uttering of "taehyung".

taehyung screamed.

he screamed loud.

as loud as the pain in him.

he clutched his head and fell on the floor gasping for air.

"go away" "go away" he screamed again and again as he curled in on himself on the floor.

taehyung didnt dare move even after the footsteps retreated, even when the cold floor cramped his legs.

he wholeheartedly welcomed the sleep the next time it came.


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