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the sun was about to retire after a long day, its glow diminishing little by little.

amongst the numerous flowers adorning the path, with numerous eyes watching in awe, taehyung walked through the aisle with a glow rivaling the moon goddess herself descending down to earth in her chariot.

his blonde hair fanning in the wind, the long train of the cloak glinding through the grass, his hands clutching onto the handle of the beautifully carved holder with the small fluttering flame inside- taehyung walked towards jungkook.

there was a melodic music of a harp, but taehyung could barely hear it above his heartbeat.

coming halfway through the aisle, he finally got the courage to look ahead at jungkook.

when their eyes met, it felt like the entire world stopped for them.


as jungkook waited taehyung to appear at the other end of the aisle, his heart was thundering inside him for that moment he get to see taehyung.

and when he saw the first glimpse of the beauty, jungkook swears he forgot how to breathe for a second there.

suddenly he felt so heavy with emotions, eyes not even blinking once as if to engrave that image in his mind forever.

and finally when taehyung looked up and their eyes locked, jungkook took in a shaky breath, eyes getting cloudy with a drop of unshed tear.

with eyes still locked taehyung walked towards jungkook, a small smile that shared thousands of emotions on both their faces, until they stood a finger length away.

jungkooks hands held the torch flame along with taehyung, their fingertips brushing as they together dropped it to a bigger pit as per tradition, the small flames sprouting into larger, signaling the starting of ceremony.

the elders chanted their prayers and the ceremony went on for an hour by jeon customs.

the jeon alpha witnessed it with eyes brimmed with tears and heart full.

at the end of ceremony, as per kim tradition, a long red cloth was brought by kim pack alpha, one end of it tied to jungkooks right wrist and other end to taehyungs left. the couples are supposed to keep it tied like that till the end of the night.

with that jungkook and taehyung were officially mates.


the celebration went on for hours until late night.

the mates were swarmed by people sharing congratulations and gifts. they feasted on delicious food and danced with joy.

and by the time the crowds dispersed and taehyungs parents bid him goodbye, it was midnight.

taehyung was beyond tired but still jittery from all the fun and laughs.

a group from jeon pack accompanied the new mates to jungkooks house. carrying taehyungs cloak in one hand, jungkook thanked everyone as they left while taehyung waved them goodbye.

jungkook followed inside after the omega, locking the door behind and leaving the cloak on one of the chairs, along with his heavy traditional robe .

turning around, he saw taehyung standing at the cente and looking around the dimly lit house, his fingers fidgeting.

jungkook pulled at the red cloth binding both their wrist and taehyung came colliding to his chest with a surprised squeak.

held in a tight embrace, closer than they have ever been in months, they stared at each others face for so long.

"hey" jungkook was the first one to break the silence, one of his hands coming up to tuck a strand of taehyungs hair behind his ear, all the while the other hand was caressing his waist.

"hi" taehyung squeaked back, round eyes gazing at jungkooks sharp features, feeling so content in his mates embrace.

in their close proximity, jungkooks eyes slid down to taehyungs red lips but quickly averted it. taehyung did saw it.

suddenly a bit unsure and not wanting to make taehyung uncomfortable in any way, jungkook started " you must be tired-" but before he can finish.

"kiss me"

eyes soccer wide, the alpha did thought he misheard it. but one look at taehyung and seeing the way the other was so confidently looking at him, he knew thats not the case.

"say that again" jungkook said his voice dropping an octave.

eyes never wavering from the alpha, the omega repeated-

"kiss me jungkook"

in a mere heartbeat jungkooks lips were on the omega.

taehyungs expectant lips were quick to respond, hands tightening around jungkooks shirt and legs in a slight tip toe. when a rumble arose from jungkook, he gasped, welcoming the tongue that slid in.

they kissed like that, showing each other an ocean of emotions and drowning in each others taste and scent.

and when, after feeling like forever they seperated- taehyungs chest was heaving in a breath, lips kiss swollen and cheeks a lovely pink.

god jungkook was mesmerized.

and he wanted more.

lifting taehyung by waist, the omega instinctively wrapping his legs around jungkooks waist, they moved to the couch rather than being uncomfortably pressed to the door.

just as taehyungs back hit the soft cushion, he was already yanking the alpha by the collar.

with a husky laugh that did nothing to ease his neediness , jungkook complied easily, meeting the soft lips again with much fervor.

fingers tangled in jungkooks hair, whines and gasps spilled out of taehyung as the alpha bite and nibbled his lower lip.

dear goddess, was jungkook a good kisser. taehyung cant believe he deprived himself of this for so long.

this time they seperated, jungkook dipped his face into the crook of taehyung neck, biting and sucking the mating mark and breathing in a lungful of jasmine scent, with an utter of "i missed you so much"

taehyung was jelly below him, feeling blissful under the reassuring weight and a heart full of love.

he almost thinks he could stay like this forever.

but the sofa handle was digging at his back and the band by his waist was too constricting for his full tummy.

he did have half a mind to get rid of all his clothes then and there... but maybe for another time.

he wiggled under jungkook causing the alpha to lift himself up. they sat up, still in each others embrace.


later they got rid of the cloth binding their wrists, changed into comfortable clothes and got into same bed, under the same covers.

they talked and talked about anything and everything, holding each others hands.

later when taehyung let out a cute little yawn, the alpha said thats enough talking for the night, for he was sure it might be early dawn by now.

jungkook let out a contented rumble when taehyung cuddled closer to his chest.

just like that, in the warmth of their mate and the comfort of their scents, both of them slept peacefully, better than they had in months.


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