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it was just another peaceful day at jeon pack. the weather so pleasant and the air just as pure and clean as ever.

in the banks of the river, among the field of dandelions were two wolves playfully chasing after one another.

the smallest blonde wolf was wiggling his fluffy tail in excitement, as he would pounce at the black wolf with a happy yap. the black one then jumped at the other, toppling the smaller to ground, before licking a fat stripe across its face that had the blonde wolf whining high.

the white dandelions would fly and dance around the mates, one of it landed on the blonde wolfs snout. he let out a cute little sneeze, then blinking furiously as he rubbed his snout with a fluffy paw.

if jungkook was in his human form, he sure would have cooed and pinched the others cheeks.

the mates having done with their duties for the day, decided to go for a run. taehyung still teaches the omegas self defense (they decided to stay away from archery for now) and jungkook busy with pack duties as ever.

later they shifted and just laid among the field, hands intertwined, just watching the sky up above.

through that silence, jungkook thought about something he wanted to ask taehyung for some days now.

"love?" jungkook had called the others attention. taehyung hummed, rolled onto jungkooks chest before looking at him with those adorable eyes.

jungkook had smiled, heart flipping inside him like usual.

"will you give me your mark, when your heat hits next time?" jungkook looked anxious, but taehyungs face had lit up with a smile.

"i would be honored alpha" the omega had said nuzzling into his neck.

jungkook had kissed the crown of his head and muttered a "thankyou", grateful to all heavens for giving him such an amazing mate.


[warning: sexual content]

taehyungs wandering hand were under jungkooks shirt, the alpha groping taehyungs ass as they stumbled into the home, lips never straying away from each other.

jungkook sucked in a harsh breath when that hand pinched his nipples, the omega moaning out when the alpha sucked at his mating mark.

"to bed. please" the omega managed to say between moans; the alpha soon lifting him up that had taehyung wrapping his legs around his waist.

they kissed again hungrily. jungkook with much difficulty reached their bedroom before both of them fell into bed, hands hungrily on each other again.

they dont know where or how this started. maybe its their wolves syncing after the run or its their desperation; both were just equally needy for each other.

both of their shirts were gone the next instant. jungkook growled at the expanse of golden skin right infront of him, waiting to be marked.

the alpha started from taehyungs neck, biting and sucking on the skin, leaving kisses and marks down to his chest, purposefully avoiding his puffy nipples that had taehyung whining out, bucking into him for more.

jungkooks firm hands pinned him down, as he trailed kisses down to his tummy, a tongue peaking, licking around the belly button before going further down the south.

taehyung easily lifted up his hips for jungkook to get rid of his pants. the alpha nearly chocked on his spit when he came face to face with baby blue panties, the omegas cock straining in its confines.

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