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"ngh harder jungkook. i'm soaking wet" taehyung whined out.

jungkook grunted in response, hands bracing further and eyes sharp in concentration.

but he must have underestimated his strength as the handle of the umbrella broke, deeming it useless as the pitter patter rain changed to a downpour soaking them.

the mates were on their way after meeting their five friends and jinae, when the nature decided to be shitty

taehyung whined further as the rain caused his clothes to stick uncomfortably.

frustrated, jungkook threw the umbrella away, picking up taehyung, the omega instinctively putting his arms around jungkooks neck, as the alpha made a run to their home.

taehyung couldn't stop giggling as the alpha ran, even jungkook smiling at the total absurdity of the situation.

jungkook unlocked the door with one hand, making a run to the room with taehyung still in his arm; the omega huffing as they dripped water on the floor and carpet on the way.

jungkook only placed him down when they reached the room, smiling down with his nose scrunched that had taehyungs heart doing somersaults.

he himself laughed shaking his head before taking fresh clothes and running to bathroom, after pushing the alpha to go change.

minutes later, the omega was swiping the water off the floor along with jungkook as they talked and laughed.


over the one week after the ceremony, both mates had gotten closer than ever. jungkook who had taken a break from pack duties for a week, spend the days bonding with his omega.

they spend the days being all domestic and making out half of the days. they just cant get enough of each other.

like right now, in the cold and lazy climate after rain, the fire burning with sparks in the fire place, jungkook found himself with a lap full of taehyung.

the omega being so needy for attention and affection after being away from his alpha and jungkook was all too happy to give him all the love.

jungkook had his lips on the omegas neck, as he lightly sucked on the skin and scented him. taehyung had his eyes closed, fingers tangled in jungkooks dark hair as he let out shaky breaths, basking in his alphas scent that is surrounding him.

jungkooks hands wandered by his waist and hips, a possessive grip on his thighs but never strayed to the next extent.

sometimes the omega too heady with the scent of his alphas arousal after a makeout session, would grip onto jungkook hard clearly asking for more, but jungkook always seem to hold himself back.

but he had nothing to complain about because, he felt as if the alpha is worshipping all of him.

they kissed and kissed, nibbling on each other leisurely, tongues tangled, tasting each other. they felt the calmest like this.


it has been a week and jungkook had to go back to take care of his pack duties.

the sleepy omega had practically laid on top of the alpha, not allowing him to move off the bed. jungkook had laughed; kissing and coalescing the omega, promising him to kiss and scent him before he go. taehyung had pouted which he kissed off quickly.

taehyung had made breakfast while jungkook showered. they ate together and when jungkook had to leave, taehyung clinged onto his alpha, nosing at his neck and nibbling at his scent glands, letting out rhythmic purrs as jungkook let of low growls and held him close.

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