26. LOVE

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[warning: mentions of panic attack]


the next day taehyung woke up with a groan, his muscles aching, feet cold and to top it all of, an excruciating headache.

he pouted as he sat straight on the couch were he had fell asleep last night, waiting for his alpha to come back.

but jungkook didn't.

he rubbed his sleepy eyes with his sweater paws and let out a yawn, his lips going back to that pout the next instant.

taehyung doesn't remember when he fell asleep. it felt weird to wake up like this; the last weeks he had woken up everyday with his alphas warmth surrounding him, morning kisses and sweet nothings.

with a sigh he got up, stretching his aching muscles and decided to freshen up before going out and finding his alpha.


"jungkook volunteered for the patrol duty today taehyung-ah. is everything alright?" namjoon had replied to a very tired looking taehyung, who had come to the pack house looking for jungkook.

taehyung fidgeted a bit before lying to the alpha that everything is alright before he left. namjoon nodded unsure but decided to not pry more.

taehyung was determined to find and apologize to jungkook. the omega could literally feel the distress of alpha on his mating mark. he cant bear to be alone anymore.

so he trudged to the borders of jeon pack around noon in search of the patrol team.

his injured knee was stinging a bit through the long walk and he was too tired to shift to his wolf form.

and just like that by evening, he picked up the scent of his alpha among the dense forest along jeon pack boundaries. the scent was not the usual warm cedar though; a sad coldness of rain was covering the usual one.

with a pang in his chest he followed the scent trail and soon he found the black wolf scanning in between the thick canopy.

"jungkook" he let out at the first sight of the big wolf. a sense of relief washed over him just at the sight of his alpha, after being away for more than a day.

but that relief turned into guilt, as soon as he saw the wolf walking back away from him.

"alpha w-wait" taehyung carefully jumped through the thick roots of trees and stones, following after the wolf.

he could feel the distress scent of jungkook increasing and he didn't like it. does his alpha hate him now?

"jungkook im sorry. please don't go away" taehyung let out a sob when he saw the wolf picking up its speed to get away from him.

taehyung was frantic and tired. the more he tried to ran after the wolf, the more harsh his breath came out. his omega needed his mate so bad.

"a-alpha do...don't do this t-to me pl-please" he wheezed out. taehyungs vision blurred, his lungs burned and he felt himself losing strength, knees hitting the floor.

the next moment he felt warm hands cupping his face and his alphas scent engulfing him.

"alpha.. i-im so sorry i s-shouldnt have... said all that..please d-dont leave me" taehyung blabbered out while struggling to even take a single full breath.

amongst all that panic, his alphas voice still reached his mind.

"tae please breathe. calm down sweetheart. i'm here" jungkooks desperate voice had him clutching onto the alphas shoulders more.

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