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taehyung was dragged away from all the commotions, the beta handing over him to some older omegas waiting outside a hut. he didn't protest having mentally and physically exhausted.

stripped out of his dirty robe taehyung was thoroughly washed off the dirt and blood sticking to his skin. buckets of cold water poured over him that made his mind a bit clearer.

when one of the older omega with gray hair and wrinkly skin offered him a mug of water, taehyung gulped all of it down even choking in his haste.

taehyung was given a cleaner shirt and pants to wear and locked inside a room heavily guarded.
now isolated taehyung cried out all his frustration the next few hours.


the next time the door opened it was dark outside, the air around him cold.

taehyung limped behind the guards, not at all feeling brave at the moment.

he was someone who was proud of himself for being strong, having took up archery and even going to hunts eventhough other omegas always gave him disapproving looks for it. But his alpha father gave him all the permission to explore, taehyung had spend all of it being free and turning down alphas who came his way.

but right now he was shit scared. this was not something he was ever prepared for.

Eventhough his eyes were downcast, taehyung could make out the entirety of the pack gathered there dressed up to their best. mutiple torches burned around the area that made everything shine in a golden glow.

taehyung was took to the centre of the clearing all eyes now set on him. the higherups were sitting on chairs infront of him, the elders old and wise by their side.

the silence was scary and the voice that cut through the silence even scarier.

"Whats your name omega?" one of pack alpha's advisor taehyung assumes, asks.

taehyung breathed out and looked up.

"Kim Taehyung" he spitted out, making sure to stress on his surname.

the one who asked the question scowled. he turned to one of the elders, an old and frail man and nodded.
the man stood up his long loose off white robe almost swallowing him up.

"commander yoongi.. how many warriors did we lose and how many were injured?" the old mans voice was soft and small.

the person yoongi taehyung assumes, a pale, young man with eyes dark as midnight took a step forward and replied-
"three jeon warriors lost their lives and 9 returned with serious injuries"

a chorus of aggravated murmurings arose from the crowd.
amidst that his eyes briefly caught jungkooks standing next to commander yoongi and intently watching him.

"very well. fifteen lashings, two for the precious jeon bloods we lost and one each for the injured" the elder replied in monotone and sat on his seat.

the murmurings of the crowd increased, most of them nodding along and others whispering about deserving severe punishments.

taehyung remained shell shocked. of course he had seen enemies and robbers being whipped in his own pack. but now going to be in such a position was unthinkable for him.

he was brought to senses when someone forced him to kneel by pushing him down by the neck.

the next few seconds felt like eternities, every little sound around him felt amplified. the boots of an alpha by the scent of it came to view in his periphery, each clacking of the adornings around his neck and hands causing taehyung to stutter out breaths.

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