18. ANEW

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taehyungs blonde wolf followed the black wolf as they made their way through the forest.

it felt like taking a peak at the past...

eventhough he dont remember much, the path feels familiar.

small instants of when he was dragged to jeon pack as a prisoner invades his mind. everytime he feels uneasy, he glides closer to jungkook wolf, his snout tickling with the black fur as he inhales jungkooks scent.

jungkook would slow down and affectionately lick his ear. taehyung would sigh contentedly.

just like that, a day ago the mates and two helper betas from jeon pack made their way to kim pack.

before leaving taehyung had reconciled with jimin and seokjin over a dinner and later even bought gifts for his family which jungkooks insisted upon.

eventhough at times taehyung would close in on himself, he was more affectionate to jungkook, always craving for his attention.

jungkook never held back on anything, all the while keeping his limits.

and now after a month since the escape incident, jungkook felt taehyung scent change pleasantly.


the first step into the kim territory had taehyung shivering. the familiar terrain, scents and the onslaught of emotions had him overwhelmed.

jungkook kept a distance letting taehyung took it all in, watching with so much warmth as the blonde wolf sniffed along the trees and occasionally yipped happily.

as they closed in on the kim pack grounds, jungkook had released as much calming pheromones as he can, as to not give any false alert to the wolfs who might have already picked up their scents.

less than an hour later they were stepping into the heart of the pack. eventhough its clear that they were coming in peace, several kim warriors dotted across the grounds in their wolf forms watching their arrival.

jungkook stood tall but his black ears down in peace as he eyed them.

a mewl was all he heard and taehyungs wolf was running forward meeting with another two.

three months later after the painful departure, taehyung met his parents again.

the alpha and omega mates licked and scented their son as they nuzzled taehyung, whom they thought they had lost forever.

afar jungkook watched the interaction with a warm heart hinted with remorse.


taehyung had explained everything to his parents, of course leaving behind certain events.

his alpha father donghyun thanked jungkook for bringing his son here and jungkook apologized for everything that had happened.

over dinner the kim pack had celebrated the arrival of taehyung. eventhough the pack was nothing compared to the jeons, jungkook was humble and adjusted with everything.

his eyes lovingly watched taehyung who was dancing with his younger siblings.

taehyung looked like the human embodiment of happiness and jungkook was entranced in that smile.

he wants to see his mate this happy, forever.


a week after their arrival at the kims, taehyung and jungkook was sitting outside watching the pack members going about with their life.

jungkook was staying at a house at the centre of pack grounds, while taehyung stayed the nights with his siblings or his omega father.

jungkook didnt mind. he was infact happy to see taehyung become more of himself with every passing day.

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