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the next day taehyung had woken up to two set of adorable eyes staring at him. with a jolt he sat up making the two intruders startle.

just as the sleep withdrawed from his eyes he immediately recognized jinae in her pajamas her hair still sticking out in all directions. he curiously peered at the next person...an omega, taehyung noticed who is smiling all too brightly for this early in the morning.

"hi i'm jimin. i've been waiting so long to meet you" the said jimin smiled eyes almost disappearing, hands clasped at the front.

"um... h-hi. i'm taehyung" he replied rather shyly making the other coo.
for some reason taehyung didn't feel so distant of the other; maybe its the others friendliness.

"ya jimin dont scare him" seokjin had came by the door, a wooden spoon in his hand, him clearly coming from kitchen.

"I am not scaring him hyung. i think me and taehyungie are going to be great friends" jimin replied with a petulant pout.
seokjin rolled his eyes returning to kitchen, jinae quickly running after him.

"oh taehyung i brought you a balm from infirmary for your back wounds. get freshen up, i'll help you apply it!" jimin said with so much enthusiasm, taehyung felt the sleep leaving him and found himself nodding, muttering a small "thankyou".

weirdly taehyung hadnt thought at all about the wounds since they didn't ache at all yesterday. he did his morning routine by the washroom at dinner hall since his room didn't have one and came back sending a smile namjoons way, who was reading some papers.

jimin assured taehyung to sit infront of him on the bed, taehyung bunching up the tshirt he is wearing and waited for jimin to apply the balm.

"oh...?" he heard jimin say.

"whats wrong?" taehyung asked turning his head a little. taehyung was scared the wounds might be infected.

"no nothing.. its just, the wounds are all healed?" jimin exclaimed almost as question, finger tracing the faint lines on taehyungs back.

"what? you sure? thats not possible" taehyung said shocked bending his arms awkwardly to touch them.

a sudden realization dawned on jimin but he decided to keep quiet as he is sure its not his place to address. "jungkook has a lot of explanation to do to taehyung" jimin thought.

"ah nevermind. you might be a fast healer" jimin shrugged off quickly standing up and dragging taehyung to kitchen for breakfast.

after a delicious breakfast, jimin had requested taehyung to go out with him. taehyung quickly said "no" unsure, but jimin had throwed the biggest puppy eyes at him and pleaded.

but then taehyung thought that he will have to explore and know his surroundings to escape.

so he had nodded hesitantly. jimin assured a concerned namjoon that he will keep his eyes on taehyung all the time.

a sliver of anger boiled in taehyung at that but he kept it inside him "he is no prisoner".


jimin had given taehyung a quick tour of the entire pack grounds showing him all the amazing buildings proudly.

taehyung had took in all with so much amazement, slightly baffled at how everything is so much better than from his pack.

since its still quite early in the morning, there were not many pack members outside. but those who were out going about with their chores, gave taehyung uncertain smiles or cold stares.

taehyung ignored it all, instead memorizing the routes and buildings storing it in his brain. taehyung always was a fast learner.

"that over there is our library" jimin had said breathlessly, a bit tired from the walk.

taehyungs attention picked up at that.
"can we go in?" taehyung had asked almost too quick.
"of course!" jimin had replied happily in having gotten taehyungs interest in something.

taehyung had wandered off as soon as they went inside, looking at the tall shelves of books and scrolls with wide eyes. jimin let him be, talking to the librarian in the meantime.

taehyung had other plans in mind.

after he made sure jimin is not watching, he quickly began going through the shelves. he had almost tripped over himself when he finally found what he was looking for.

making sure not to make too much sound, he had took the scroll, crounching down and unrolling it. Before him laid a map, specifically of the route and borders of kim and jeon packs.

not wasting a moment his eyes took it all the routes, tracing them by his finger quickly finding the quickest way back to his pack, the one through the slope of mountain.

"taehyungie.." he had heard jimin calling for him a few shelves close. taehyung had looked at it once more, before rolling the scroll and placing it on the shelf then going towards jimin, now a smile on his face.


next jimin had took him to a river flowing by one of the boundary of pack. jimin had explained how the river orginates from the mountains, taehyung intently listening.

taehyung had dipped his feet on the cold water, the fresh air filling his lungs making him feel good after so many days.

jimin had let him enjoy there for a few minutes, but that soon had turned into a water fight when jimin had jumped onto water, splashing it on taehyung.
the two omegas squealed and giggled, taking water in their palms and throwing it at each other.

they had finally stopped the fun, half of their tshirts wet, both of them laughing breathless.

they then laid on the shade holding hands till their clothes dried up some what well.

both of them had walked back, hands still holding laughing at silly things.

the laugh slipped slowly off taehyung when the wind bought the familar cedar scent to him.

"oh! jungkookie!!! over here" jimin had animatedly waved his hands at jungkook.

the alpha looked a bit shocked in seeing taehyung out like this. though he was happy that taehyung is finally warming up to jeon pack.

jungkook eagerly walked to the two omegas, stopping a few steps away as not to make taehyung uncomfortable.

his unsure eyes wandered off to taehyung often, taehyung meanwhile looking at the ground not daring to look up.

jimin looked between the two and quickly declared he have to meet an ahjumma living close by, leaving a shocked taehyung whose eyes were screaming betrayal, with jungkook.


1,2,3,4 minutes passed...

the mates still couldnt look at each other.

just then jungkook murmered something, hands going inside the satchel hanging on his shoulder.

taehyung curiously peered, eyes widening when jungkook took out a bouquet of white tulip flowers.

the big bad alpha of jeon pack did stutter, when he explained how he was on his way to namjoons house to leave the flowers there for taehyung.

jungkook was scared. he was scared of getting rejected.

he swears he was not even this uncertain during wars, as he held the flowers taehyungs way shyly.

taehyung was speechless, his mind short circuiting. his mating mark throbbed, butterflies erupting in his stomach.

was jeon jungkook actually courting him?

hands almost automatically reaching forward he accepted the beautiful flowers, cheeks cherry red.

jungkook thinks he want to see the other blush so prettily more often. he thinks he need to spoil his mate with more courting gifts.

moreover he was ecstatic that taehyung accepted the flowers.

the two mates still awkwardly stood there, eyes peaking at each other from time to time.

a few feets away jimin was hiding behind a tree, trying so hard to suppress his squeals watching the antics of the adorable couple.


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