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the first thing taehyung's hazy mind registered was the uniform swinging of his head back and forth. the dryness of his throat made him suck in a harsh breath only to get his senses assaulted by the mixed unfamiliar scents in the air.

eyes still closed, every muscle in his body aching, taehyungs consciousness gave away again, his head once again lolling back and forth in the movement.

the next time he regained consciousness taehyungs bleary eyes barely opened, eyes getting stinged from the light penetrating the canopy.

head still lolling his unfocused brain registered the events that happened few hours back, memories filling with blood, fire and cries, a hollow feeling encompassing his chest .

suddenly jolting up with the adrenaline that rushed through him, he hissed at the pain that went through his leg, a simultaneous hiss reached his left air.

"Stay fucking still" a rough voice met his left ear, his omega freezing.

becoming more aware of his surroundings, Taehyung then registered he is being carried by someone on their back, the murmuring thats going on around and the feeling of hollowness increasing further and further as he is being taken away and away from his pack territories.

a whine unconsciously torn from his throat, the fear and grief getting to him.

taehyung needs his pack. He needs to go home to his friends and family. He want to hug his brother and sister. He needs to help them rebuild the pack. He needs to escape.

still a bit numb he wiggled in the grasp of the alpha carrying him. the panic coursing through him successfully masking the tiredness.

"Let go of me.. help he-help ngh" the sounds escaped his parched throat. his panic only increased as he felt a rumble from the alpha carrying him.

taehyung didn't want to die yet.

there is so much he wants to do.

getting taken away from everything he treasured was not something he thought his life would come to.

trying to move his limbs hissing as his bound legs and arms stinged, taehyung thrashed ignoring the urge of his omega to submit to the growing irritated alpha scents.

he lifted his upper body a little, his eyes immediately meeting the muscular chest of the alpha walking behind them.

taehyung's whole body seized.

In the awkward angle, he saw the tall form his eyes slowly tearing off the muscles peeking through the loosely tied robe. body still limb, taehyungs eyes trailed up gulping at the sight of sharp jaws followed by small chapped yet pink lips- taehyung licking his own dried lips.

neck straining further he looked up his eyes meeting a pair of black eyes hooded by jet black hair, the pair of eyes intently watching him- the son of Jeon Pack alpha

taehyungs head lolled down in pain, heart rapidly beating inside him. He winced but immediately started thrashing again.

the alpha carrying him slowed down, readjusted taehyung on his shoulder and resumed walking as if taehyung weighs nothing.

sadness and frustration getting his best, taehyung bared his teeth, torso moving up and bite right onto the alphas biceps, making sure it will do hurt.

"Ow What The Fuck!!" the alpha clearly not expected such an attack. taehyung glared at the little blood trickling off the bite, thoroughly satisfied at the sight.

suddenly he was being aggressively swayed, his head throbbing as taehyung was unceremoniously throwed onto the ground. he fell on his sides not even able to support himself since he was tied up. he whimpered at the pain coursing through his arm, few stray tears falling.

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