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as hard as it was for the mates to deal with the seperation, they slowly had gone back to a routine - to ready and to heal themselves.

after his alpha had returned to jeon pack, taehyung had spend the next few days cooped up in his home, trying to understand all the emotions swirling in him.

it was not easy.

infact it was really hard for him to accept and understand what his life had been for the past few months.

his brain ran through every incident he experienced within the pack and with jungkook.

and he came to the conclusion that,


he infact can live among the jeons.

if everything had a better start, the life he would have lived there, as a fellow jeon as well as jungkooks mate wouldnt be that bad.

now that he had his thoughts in order, taehyung went back to his routine.

just like it was before the jeon-kim war, taehyung slowly got back to his cheery self, spending time roaming around the kim pack, having meals with his family, playing with siblings, training archery and what not all.

he did notice the gloomy face on his alpha father every time his eyes catch on the mating mark on taehyungs neck.

but over a long evening talk, they had come to terms that taehyung is no longer despising what happened to him, neither does their parents have to hold any grudge against jungkook.

at lonely nights, shivering slightly in the cold winds that would slip through his windows, taehyung longs for his alphas warmth.

he would bury his nose into the sweater soaked with cedar scent that his alpha left for him.

but he never cries.

coz his heart is already looking at the happy days he will have with his mate.


meanwhile back in jeon pack, jungkook had much harder time being away from his omega.

his possessive alpha side was restless for months, trying to convince jungkook to get his omega back.

but he grounded himself, promising himself he wont act selfish and patiently wait for taehyungs return.

but by the second month, worry started yebbing his mind.

is taehyung alright? what might he be doing? does he still love him?

so to put all of that to an end, jungkook sat down and took a small piece of paper and wrote-

"hey pretty, how are you? - JK"

gently taking the paper in his hand, jungkook pressed it against his scent glands and rolled it to a small rod.

he had made his way to the training grounds and whistled high.

a pigeon, grey and white flew out of one of the cages inside the arsenal and fluttering its wings, landed on one of jungkooks outstretched hands.

carefully he had placed the roll of paper into its claws and with a gentle pat, let it flew to the direction of kim pack.


taehyung was outside his hut, sharpening one of his arrows as usual.

he didn't pay much attention when a pigeon landed on his step.

he ignored it even when it landed on the stash of his sharpened arrows.

maybe after getting impatient, the pigeon fluttered right onto taehyungs lap startling the omega a bit.

tucking a strand of his now long blonde hair behind his ear, he peered curiously at the pigeon who seems to be so damn persistent to get his attention.

soon he did notice the paper on its claws.

carefully taking it out, he shivered from head to toe at the fresh cedar scent wafted, just as he unrolled it.

"hey pretty, how are you? - JK"

not quite able to resist the squeal, he had fell onto the ground, still clutching the paper at his eye level.

still laying on the grass in the sun, taehyung read that sentence again and again, memorising every shape and curves of the letters.

but then, the pigeon landed on his tummy. it had cocked its head at taehyung and made a grunting noise, sounding as if impatient in bird language.

then it had clicked taehyung.

he ran inside, hastily tearing a paper from one of the rolls. with a quill dipped in ink, he neatly wrote about his day as short as he can. he ended it with an "i miss you jungkook".

taehyung similarly soaked the paper in his jasmine that is all so floral with the happiness and rolled it.

the pigeon was still waiting for him on the step with a bored look.

taehyung gently placed the roll in its claws and it had flew away immediately.

sitting on the step, taehyung watched the flying bird until it dissappeared from his vision.


soon the short letters were more frequent, even twice a week.

the mates anticipated each one with so much love.

soon they were like lovebirds so in love with each other.

they would write about their favorite color, their future and all the disgustingly cute things they want to do together.

one time taehyung had even wrote that he hope one of their future kids will get jungkooks doe eyes and the poor alpha on reading it turned so tomato red, hoseok wont stop teasing about it for weeks.

during the fourth month being away, taehyungs heat had hit him. being new mates, even if away it had came synchronized with jungkooks rut.

to say it was the worst of all was an understatement.

the longing for their mate had them in a frenzy, sneering at anyone and everything at their vicinity, while their body thrummed for their beloveds touch, scent and satisfaction.

alone in bed, skin soaking with sweat and slick, taehyung whimpered for his alpha meanwhile jungkooks claws teared through the bedding with the intensity of his rut.

after loads of tears and pain both of their cycles broke after a week and had came out of their homes utterly exhausted.

the next letters shared their respective sorrows and all too tempting post heat scents.


just like that six months passed and the letter with the words jungkook have been dying to see reached him.

"im ready to come back alpha"


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