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it was around evening, the time when the intensity of sun just diminishes a little.

at the pack house, jungkook was immersed in mountains of work, his head literally steaming from overworking. the alpha was trying to juggle everything that needs to be done next week in just two days, so he can spend time with taehyung, worrying about nothing when the heat hits.

and he also had promised to take taehyung for shopping more blankets for his nest later evening. so jungkook really had to speed up.

in the next few hours, he had almost finished with the expenses and calculation, when his senses picked up that faint scent of jasmine.

a small smile crept on his lips and in a moment a pair of adorable eyes and fluff of blonde hair was peaking through the door.

"are you busy alpha?" the omega hesitantly stood by the door.

"what is it love?" the alpha beckoned him to come closer with his hand.

the omega nearly tripped on himself as he stride towards jungkook, immediately climbing onto his lap.

"just missed you" taehyung said, rubbing his cheeks onto jungkooks neck, scenting the alpha.

"missed you too" the alpha sighed out, a hand securing on the omegas waist.

ever since taehyung entered his pre heat, the omega was especially needy for some pampering and well of course horny.

he had a vague idea of why taehyung came here looking for him and his suspicions were proven right, when taehyung started kissing down his neck, hips slowly moving in circles.

"taehyung. i have work to do." the alpha groaned out, hands stilling taehyungs movements.

the omega took his head away from jungkooks neck, only to glare at the alpha.

"or you could just do me" taehyung reasoned.

the alpha chuckled at the sassiness. jungkook had soon discovered that, taehyung in his heat is bold and straightforward on what he needs and wants.

"nah-uh baby" the alpha clicked his tongue.

"alpha has to complete his work, so he can take care of you later." jungkook said while his hands massaged taehyungs thighs.

"will you be a good boy till then?" the alpha had cocked his head, tongue poking at his cheeks as he fixed taehyung with a stare. he smirked the way he saw a shiver rake through taehyungs body and the gentle flutter of his eyelashes.

"i will alpha. but its-" taehyung whined as he wiggled his ass as if to prove a point. jungkook knew the omega is wet down there, since the scent of his arousal was very much evident.

"what do you want then love" he husked nibbling onto one of the ear lobe.

"w-wanna feel full alpha. please.." he gripped onto jungkooks biceps desperately.

"want me to stuff you with my cock hm?" jungkook taunted and the omega nodded feverently.

"then take what you want baby" the alpha casually leaned onto the chair.

taehyungs eyes widened, then sighing happily as he stood up on shaking legs to get rid of his pants. he found purchase in his alphas thighs again and scrambled to unbutton jungkooks pants, lowering the boxers just enough to get his cock out.

the omega felt much better just by wrapping his hands around the thick shaft, stroking it to full hardness. taehyung didn't need any prepping since he was still loose from having jungkook fucked him so good that morning.

taehyung bit his bottom lip and shyly glanced up at the alphas face.

"go on love" jungkook sounded a bit breathless.

taehyung bunched up the baby blue sweater he is wearing and held it between his teeth, to give the alpha a full few of his soft tummy and his own hard cock.

a keen noise escaped his throat, as he lined the hard shaft to his hole and lowered himself on it till he bottomed out.

"fucking..hell" jungkook groaned out but stopped the omega before he can move.

"now now. sit still and be a good boy" jungkook voice was authorative. he casually took the pen and went back to the scroll he was checking, both hands caging taehyung between his chest and the table.

taehyung didn't protest much, leaning into the alphas chest, breathing through his nose, as he subconsciously gnawed at the end of sweater that is still in his mouth, purring softly.

he felt better like this. the cramps in his lower belly simmering down, his alphas cock pulsing inside him, his warmth and scent lulling him to peace, much better.

occasionally he would slightly shift; the tip of the cock will brush against his sweet spot causing him to squeak and shudder against his alpha.

jungkooks response would come as a smack on his ass, followed by a deep "stay still" that does nothing to quench his need. other than that taehyung tried his damndest to be a good boy,

and an hour or so later, jungkook rewarded him by fucking him senseless, right there on the table.


true to his words, by late evening jungkook took taehyung to the market place.

the omega was ecstatic as he walked along with jungkook into the shop, a slight skip on his steps.

the alpha let the omega buy anything and everything he want. taehyung would run his hands through the blankets, selecting everything that felt soft to him.

everytime taehyung let out a pleased sound, jungkook would kiss his forehead and wordlessly take it off the shelf, handing it to the beta that owns the shop.

sometimes taehyung would be stuck between two soft colors, confused between which to choose. the alpha just took both from taehyungs hand, placing it to the heap to be cashed.

and later when they walked back home, jungkook had one hand full of colorful fabrics and taehyung clinging to his other.

passersby would nod their head at the alpha out of respect but with an amused smile. they just never had seen their future pack alpha so smitten.

after reaching home, jungkook patiently waited with soft eyes, for taehyung to arrange his nest with the new blankets.

sometimes he would take a piece to jungkook with an excited grin, his bread cheeks bunched up and eyes sparkling. the alpha would obediently scent the fabric to taehyungs liking, for him to add to the nest.

soon there was heap on the bed with blankets and pillows of blues and pinks and yellows and all sorts of colors.

jungkook thinks he should get a bigger bed for next heat, so his omega can build a bigger nest.

and finally when taehyung was satisfied with the alignment of his nest, he got rid of his clothes and fell into the middle of it.

he happily wiggled and purred. this was the best nest he ever had. taehyung was one happy omega now.


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