13. LET GO

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taehyung was nothing lesser than a nervous ball as he walked towards the the common hall along with the two couples.

more than once he had felt like fifth feeling as namjoon shamelessly continued to praise how beautiful seokjin looks tonight, all the while jimin and yoongi were eye fucking each other.
and yes, taehyung was a bit jealous.

within a ten minute walk they reached the compond already packed with jeon pack members.

heads began turning one by one as taehyung walked more and more closer. all of it made taehyung nervous eventhough he had been used to gatherings like this in his pack.
even his omega was restless due to the lack of comfort or reassurance from the one he truely wants.

taehyung was brought out of his thoughts by an yelling close by. in a blink he saw an all too cheery hoseok tackling yoongi and jimin into a hug, then quickly turning to do the same with namjoon and seokjin.

everyone snickered as seokjin grumbled a "dont mess up my hair you brat" under his breath.

taehyung had only met alpha hoseok once and he had to say the other is really easy to get along with.

"taehyung-ah wow you look beautiful" hoseok smiled with that same sunshine smile hugging taehyung.
taehyung was startled by the affection, blushing lightly under the attention uttering a quite "thankyou" that had hoseok letting out an "aww".

someone cleared their throat from behind taehyung that had the group turning their heads, but taehyung doesnt have to look to recognize that scent and warmth.

jungkook took a step closer to taehyung, his tall frame shadowing over taehyung, tongue poking his cheek as his eyes narrowed at hoseok.

"hmm my mate indeed looks beautiful" a challenging tone lacing his reply. an involuntary shiver went through taehyung probably at jungkook addressing him as his mate, his omega all too happy with it.

jungkook wasn't one bit lying about that statement though. he swear to moon goddess, his breath got knocked away when his eyes landed on taehyung.

taehyung saw hoseok rolling his eyes muttering a "no one is taking away your mate" followed by jimin shaking his head with a "possessive alpha head".

jungkook was just staring lovingly at the blonde mop of hair infront him, taehyung still stubbornly refusing to look at him.

"lets leave the mates alone shall we then" seokjin announced dragging namjoon away throwing a wink at taehyung; hoseok, yoongi and jimin following them.


before the look of betrayal on having seokjin abandon him alone in the lions den leave him, jungkook was shuffling and standing by his side. a whimper threatened to leave taehyung on having lost the heat that covered him like a blanket. but jungkook stood so close; he left just a few inch between them as if afraid he would make taehyung uncomfortable.

taehyung still refused to look at jungkook. his hands nervously joined at the front, the pendant on him slightly jiggling when he move.

but it was opposite for jungkook. he cant take his eyes off taehyung.
"im glad you liked my gifts" the gravelly voice hit his ears.

involuntarily taehyungs hands shot to the pendant on his neck, fingers feeling the pretty stone. "uh y-yeah they're beautiful" taehyung mentally cringed at the stutter.

he heard jungkook chuckle, the sound so deep it had taehyung taking in a breath of air.

"still cant look at me love? you hate me that much?" the words that left jungkook made taehyung tremble.

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