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taehyung now understands on what jimin meant with the term "fucking like animals". now that they got a taste of each other, they couldn't get enough.

the following weeks, every bit of time they got were spent exploring one another.

be it lazy morning sex or jungkook fucking him hard into the mattress after a bit of too much teasing; taehyung loved all of it.

and with the intimacy, their bond got much stronger, so did their love.

when after a particularly hard sex, taehyung would be swimming back to reality hearing sweet nothings in his ear, gentle kisses peppered onto his face,

the way jungkook would carry him to the bathroom, as if he has his most valuable asset in his arms,

and those hands would clean every part of him gently and would shower him with promises, when the omega show atleast a sliver of distress,

those doe eyes would watch over him while he sleep and would be there with morning kisses when he wakes up.

taehyung sees the way jungkook would light up just at the sight of him, after a day of tedious work,

he thinks he can very easily spent the rest of his life with his alpha.

he dreams for those days when he can build a family with him.


now that its been a few months since taehyungs presence has been a frequent at the pack, everyone was more open to him.

jeon pack haven't had a luna for years. eventhough jungkook was still the future pack alpha, pack mates still respected taehyung like their luna. the others cheerful personality and pure heart had everyone swooning.

sometimes omegas would approach taehyung with requests they never voiced, because they didn't had a luna to open up to.

taehyung would patiently listen to it all and would assure them with care. he later would deem the important and will share it with jungkook to be discussed at the council meetings.

like that a new building was under construction for unmated omegas to spend their heats alone. taehyung was to make sure its upto the necessities, stocked up and prepared for all the needs.

the pack members were so grateful to the omega and the older ones would gift him with food and handmade objects when they see him. taehyung would accept it and spend some time with them; listening to their worries and accepting their blessings.

he would sometimes visit seokjin and would spend hours playing with jinae and entertaining her or would go to jimin, who is on a bed rest since he is so close to his due date.

just like that his days would be busy, ending in his warm home with his alpha.

one of those days, taehyung curled up on his alphas lap on an evening, jungkook had said- "i met with father today"

"is he doing well?" taehyung had inquired.


"he thinks its time for me to take over his position." jungkook sounded unsure followed by a silence.

"you're doubting yourself?" taehyung had just asked caressing his face. jungkook just nodded, looking away.

taehyung could always read him like book.

"you know father wouldn't have said it, if he doesn't think you're ready." taehyung had stated cupping the alphas face.

"you have been working alongside him for so long now. i think you would make a good pack alpha." taehyung had smiled assuringly, booping their noses.

jungkook somehow felt eased at that, returning that smile and forgetting his worries that instant.

"aw you look like bunny" taehyung had stated endeared at his mate smiling at him so cutely.

the alpha looked so offended at that statement.

"i do not" jungkook had stressed out in a high pitch.

"yes you do, my cute bunny" taehyung really pinched his cheeks.

"you didn't just call me that" jungkook had dramatically gasped, before tackling a grinning taehyung with tickles.

the mates had chased each other around the living room with playful growls and giggles, until their stomach started aching from all the laugh.


on one morning, the mates were woken up from their sleep early morning by an insistent knock on their door.

the alpha had grumbled but quickly went to the door, only to see a young beta boy who looked like he had ran a mile to their home. a sleepy taehyung had peered at him in confusion too.

"commander yoongi's mate gave birth to a girl" was all the beta said.

taehyung gasped, sleep all forgotten as he ran in, got ready and went to meet jimin at the infirmary, along with an equally excited jungkook.

at the infirmary, taehyung had bursted into tears when he saw the little bundle of cuteness in jimin's arm.

jungkook kept his distance as he knew alphas could be territorial with their newborns and he doesnt want to make yoongi uneasy, who is literally smiling ear to ear now.

taehyung had carefully took the baby girl in his arms, cooing when she let out a yawn and smiled so widely at jungkook standing by the door.

jungkooks heart had soared just at the sight and he yearned to see taehyung with his own pup one day.

looking at the tiny pup in his arms, taehyung too wished for the day he can hold one of their own.


a/n: as you may have noticed, we are slowly easing to the end of this book.

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