29. HUNT

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soon it was time for the winter hunt; the time of the year when hunters of the pack venture into deep forest to hunt massively, to procure enough meat for the pack to survive through winter.

the hunters were preparing for weeks now and this year they will be guided by jungkook, since commander yoongi is preoccupied with his mate and pup.

this hunt has much importance in the pack; elders doing prayers for two days for a fruitful hunt and pack members gathering up necessities for the troupe.

the hunters were planning to start at the crack of dawn and by the cosy home at the far end of the pack, the mates were awake early.

a sleepy and pouty taehyung, cocooned in a yellow blanket glared at the bathroom door, inside which his alpha was taking a shower.

dont get him wrong, he is indeed proud of jungkook.

but three days.

almost 72 hours without his alpha.

thats going to be torturous for him.

but he did put up a brave face, when he helped jungkook get ready and pack the things.

despite the chilly morning wind, taehyung accompanied him to the point were the hunters are gathered.

"i will miss you" taehyung had sighed out, head buried onto his alphas chest.

"will miss you too love" jungkook had hugged him closer, breathing in a lungful of his mates scent.

they had shared a sweet kiss then; nothing hurried and mindful of the people around them.

they shared a dozen of "i love you"s in between the kiss, jungkooks chest constricting when he saw his omegas eyes glistening with tears.

"come back to me safe alpha" taehyung had croaked out as jungkook very unwillingly retreated away from him.

jungkook then met with hoseok who had also bid goodbye to the omega girl he is courting.

in minutes the hunters of jeon pack had dissappeared into the dense forest. taehyung whimpered when the last sight of his alpha faded, hugging himself as if to not lose the last bit of his alphas heat on him.

later taehyung spend the entire day lazying around the home, doing some cleaning or just laying in the bed.

jungkook had made sure to stock up enough fruits and smoked meat for a week, so his omega will be well fed even in his absence. the omega would occasionally munch on food, eating his sadness away in the process.

in the evening, he visited jimin and his pup but soon returned back to his own home, falling face first into the bed just to breath in the cedar scent.

no matter what he did, the hollowness in his chest never went away.


the next morning taehyung had woken up alone, sweat clinging to his skin despite the cold weather.

he grumbled to himself as he got rid of his clothes and took a long shower, later rummaging through the closet and wore a large black tshirt of jungkook.

he dragged himself to kitchen and made himself a warm tea and bread, plopping on the couch and eating it alone.

he knew the signs. taehyung knew he is in preheat. the increase in his body temperature, the mild cramps in his belly, the need for his alpha, all those usual signs.

he spend sleeping the entire day, not bothering to go out or do anything productive. he drank lots of water and ate anything sweet he could find.

by the 60th hour without his alpha, taehyung had fully entered into his pre heat.

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