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being away from his mate the whole day was basically torture for jungkook. as much as he busied himself with the pending works, his alpha would supply him with thoughts of soft skin and lush lips.

he knows the distance between them today will only make them crave for more and he doesnt know how much more he can control. god knows jungkook got too many blue balls this week.

as much as he want to pounce on taehyung and devour him at once, he is keeping himself in check not to make taehyung uncomfortable.

yes taehyung is much more adapted now and the healthy glow on him is anything to go by, but he thinks he will let taehyung set the pace for now.

at the end of the day, he is just an alpha with needs. a beautiful mate with an alluring scent and the most perfect ass right in his home; his life and his cock has never been harder.

in his mates embrace, knowing that his omega is calm and protected was all he need to know now, as he quickly finished his work and got ready to leave for home.


taehyung went about in the home lighting various lanterns hanged around the house as darkness slowly settled in.

his heart was beating erratic in him as he knows jungkook would be home anytime soon. sometimes he would shiver as a cold breeze would caress his skin, the thin robe not giving any warmth.

having done with everything, taehyung settled on the neatly made bed, hands playing with the string securing the robe.

he did freeze when he heard the door at the front opening, followed by a- "love, i'm home".

as always his omega crooned at the nickname. taehyung quickly responded with a "in here" for the alpha to follow his sound.

it felt like time pass by too slow as the cedar scent slowly started wafting to him.


[warning: sexual content]

as soon as jungkook opened the door, a strong floral jasmine scent hit him on the face; his alpha puffed up at their mingling scents.

following taehyungs voice more like his scent, jungkook walked towards their bedroom; fingers pushing his hair back, then unbottoning the cuffs and top two buttons of his white shirt.

a smile automatically took over his face as he rounded around the corner, but as his eyes found taehyung sitting on his bed, his steps froze by the doorway trying to make sense of the living wet dream right infront of him.

jungkooks cedar kicked up a notch in the air as his eyes raked over taehyung. long tan legs on display, the lace teasing him at the thighs, the curve of his hips, outline of his perky nipples visible through the thin fabric and hooded eyes intently watching him.

it felt like the jasmine in the air is beckoning him, as he took lazy steps towards taehyungs form.

as his alpha came close, taehyung stood up from the bed, drunk in his mates scent. a hand by the waist pulled him flush against jungkook.

"welcome home alpha" taehyung breathed out, hands lazily wandering up jungkooks chest, feeling the hard muscles under his fingers, content at the warmth of his alphas larger form.

watching the way jungkook is looking at him, the omega whispered
"wanted to look pretty for you"

jungkook sweared under his breath, his grip tightening around the omega.
"you look so fucking pretty love" he husked out making taehyungs omega preen under the praise.

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